帕格尼尼(Niccolo Paganini ,1782.10.27--1840.5.27),意大利小提琴演奏家、作曲家。他的技巧影响了后来的小提琴作品,也影响了钢琴的技巧和作品。他的作品有《bE大调协奏曲》、《二十四首随想曲》、《女巫之舞》、《无穷动》、《威尼斯狂欢节》、《军队奏鸣曲》、《拿破仑奏鸣曲》、《爱的场面》、《魔女》、《D大调小提琴协奏曲》。另外,还作有吉他曲二百首,以及各种室内乐曲。
An Italian virtuoso violinist, guitarist, and composer of chamber and orchestral music featuring violin and guitar. Paganini revolutionized the art of violin playing (his Concerto no. 1 in D gives some idea of his incredible technique), even as he was surrounded by gossip, often self-promoted, about amorous affairs in Napoleon's court; being supported in his teens by an older mistress (her identity still unknown), who saved him from self-destructive drinking brought on by quick fame; a pact made with the devil that gave him superhuman ability to play his instrument; and so on.