


#室内乐 #重奏 #键盘音乐 #独奏 #西方古典
Chile 智利


克劳迪奥·阿劳(Claudio Arrau,1903-1991),智利钢琴家。二十世纪最伟大的钢琴家之一。自幼有神童之称,曾到柏林求学,后定居纽约,持续其国际钢琴大师的演出生涯,誉满全球。阿劳的演奏曲目范围广泛,从巴洛克时期到二十世纪的作品均有独到的建树,纯正严谨的古典风格与深刻的感情结合完美,并通过丰富的音色变化和辉煌的演奏技巧展现作曲家的音乐构思。录制了大量的唱片,是贝多芬、舒伯特、肖邦、舒曼、李斯特、勃拉姆斯作品的权威演奏家。

克劳迪奥·阿劳,1903年生于智利奇廉。自幼以神童闻名,5岁在圣地亚哥首次举行演奏会,崭露头角。8岁时由智利政府资助到德国留学,在名师马丁·克劳泽(Martin Krause)的长期指导下,进步神速,11岁在柏林举行首次的独奏音乐会,先后获得霍兰德奖、伊巴赫奖、舒尔霍夫奖以及两届的李斯特奖,在著名指挥家尼基什、富特文格勒等指挥下演奏钢琴协奏曲,名噪一时。1926-1940年在施特恩音乐学院任教。1927年获瑞士日内瓦国际钢琴比赛一等奖。1935-1936年在柏林,举行巴赫全部键盘作品和莫扎特全部钢琴作品的系列音乐会;四次举行贝多芬全部钢琴奏鸣曲的系列音乐会(1938年在墨西哥、1939年在圣地亚哥、1952年在伦敦、1954年在纽约)。1941年起定居纽约,持续其国际大师的演出生涯,誉满全球。1949年,智利大学授予荣誉博士学位。1959年,智利政府授予金质奖章,并以阿劳之名命名两条街道。1965年,法国政府授予文艺骑士勋章。1970年,德国政府授予联邦十字勋章。1978年,德国柏林爱乐乐团授予彪罗奖章。1982年,墨西哥政府授予阿兹台克鹰勋章。1983年,联合国世界文化遗产组织授予国际音乐奖章、智利政府授予国家艺术奖章、法国政府授予荣誉军团勋章、马耳他政府授予骑士团勋章、意大利罗马音乐学院授予荣誉司令勋章、英国牛津大学授予荣誉博士学位、美国纽约市授予贝多芬奖章。1988年,委内瑞拉政府授予卡雷尼奥奖章。1990年,英国皇家爱乐乐团授予金质奖章。1991年逝世于维也纳附近。


by Joseph Stevenson

Arrau was one of the most highly esteemed performers of the central Romantic piano repertoire, especially for Beethoven, but also for Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, and Brahms.

His mother was an amateur pianist who gave him early lessons. He gave his first public recital at the age of five in Santiago, and studied with a teacher named Paoli.

The Chilean government gave him a grant to send him to Berlin at the age of seven to study at Stern's Conservatory, where his teacher from 1912 to 1918 was Martin Krause. Teacher and student agreed, by the time the youth was fifteen, that his piano technique and artistic polishing were complete; Arrau never went to another teacher.

He had already won the Gustav Holländer Medal and the Ibach Prize, made his Berlin debut to astonished acclaim in 1914, and toured in Germany and Scandinavia during World War I. He returned to Chile in 1921 with a triumphal homecoming concert, and then toured in the Western Hemisphere, coming to the United States for the first time in 1924. In the same year he joined the faculty of Stern's Conservatory. He remained based there until 1940, making several tours and winning major prizes. He made history in 1925 in Berlin with a set of twelve recitals in which he played the complete keyboard works of Johann Sebastian Bach. However, after 1940 he never played Bach in public, on grounds that the works were not suited to the piano.

In 1940, he returned to Chile, founding a piano school in Santiago. He settled in 1941 in New York where he made his home thereafter.

One of his outstanding qualities was thoughtfulness of his interpretations; his audience got the impression that he had studied the work from every angle. This could be a drawback, occasionally causing him to seem cautious and lacking spontaneity.

In 1978 he renounced his Chilean citizenship to protest Pinochet's military regime. He remained one of the most respected and beloved of Chileans among the people of that nation. His return there for a tour in 1984 was one of the greatest musical events in South American history.

