


#当代民谣 #原声摇滚
Canada 加拿大


Don Ross,1960年出生在加拿大蒙特利尔(Montreal),父亲是位苏格兰移民,母亲为Mikmaq的原住居民,都是音乐工作者,Don Ross就出生在这样一个家庭。8岁的时候Don Ross就开始演奏原声吉他,10岁的时候就开始演奏Finger-style的特殊定音,以及右手的技巧,这也为他将来发展自己的风格奠定了一定的基础,Don Ross热衷于自己创作一些实验性的曲子,他的曲子中往往结合了多种音乐元素,深入的从jazz,民谣,摇滚以及古典音乐中摄取营养,从而创作出属于自己风格的音乐,他自己把这种音乐风格形容为&Heavy Wood&!

如今Don Ross已经成为加拿大最受欢迎的音乐家以及世界范围内最著名的原声吉他演奏家之一!在1996年9月Don以优异的表现再次获得全美指弹吉他大赛( U。S。 National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship)的冠军,他也成为这项比赛有始以来第一位夺得两界比赛冠军的演奏家(Don Ross第一次赢得U.S. National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship的冠军是在1988年)这一次Don不仅仅是赢在吉他技术上,更赢在了他对音乐的表达,感情,也就是他自己演奏风格上!

by Charlotte Dillon

Canadian guitarist Don Ross has earned an impressive reputation for himself in the music world, both for his guitar composition and his techniques. He has even been listed by some as one of the world's top guitarists.

Ross was born in 1960. He inherited his love of music from his mother and father. When Ross was eight years old, he began his self-taught study of music on the acoustic guitar. A couple of years later he was skilled enough to try different fingerstyle techniques. In 1983, Ross graduated from York University. Three years later, he began to seriously work toward a professional career in music. In late 1988, Ross won the United States National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship. A short time later, he signed a contract with the Duke Street Records label. Over the next few years, Ross recorded three albums: Bearing Straight, Three Hands, and a self-titled release.

This Dragon Won't Sleep was the next full-length recording Ross completed. This time he was working under the Sony Music label. The album hit the market in 1995. A year later he fished a holiday album, Wintertide: Guitar Music for Christmas. That same year, Ross won the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship again. The first win was a major accomplishment, but what made this second win even more extraordinary was that Ross was the first to ever win the prestigious championship twice. In 1997, Ross pleased his fans once more with another album, Loaded. Leather. Moonroof. It was followed in 1999 by Passion Session. Huron Street appeared on Narada two years later.

