斯考迪-迈克克里瑞(Scotty McCreery),北卡加纳高中生学生,美国著名选秀真人秀节目美国偶像第十季冠军。
这个外表乖巧的邻家男孩在音色表现上堪称完美,浑厚的低音加上特意修饰的鼻音,俨然就是为乡村音乐而生的孩子。有波多黎各血统,1993年出生,也是美偶舞台上年龄最小的男性冠军,声音低沉有磁性,一点没有想象中小男生的感觉。在美偶现场他演唱的是I Love You This Big。一首来自乡村音乐巨星、格莱美(Grammy)获得者约翰-迈克-蒙哥马利的经典名曲,在斯考迪的演绎下又把观众带回到美国中部广袤的大草原。必须承认,斯考迪完美的乡村特色将会有助于他在比赛中走的更远,但是已经定型的特征有可能阻碍他的进一步发挥,市场上拥有他这样浑厚中音的知名乡村歌手可谓众多,如何突破自己是斯考迪面临的难题。是固步自封,为观众带来一场接一场的美国乡村男歌手经典曲目,还有勇于突破,让观众看到自己的多面性,已经迈入6强的斯考迪现在就要思索了。
McCreery was born in 1993 to Judy and Michael McCreery in Garner, North Carolina. His mother works as a realtor. His father was born in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico to a Puerto Rican mother from San Juan and an American father. He used to impersonate Elvis as a child, and started learning guitar at age ten. He attended West Lake Middle School and sang at his graduation. He also attended Garner Magnet High School where he joined a vocal ensemble, Die Meistersingers, that performs across the United States. He started out singing tenor but switched to bass when his voice turned lower in his sophomore year. He won a singing contest called "Clayton Idol" at the Clayton Harvest Festival in Clayton, North Carolina and was one of 36 finalists in a "Rip the Hallways" contest featuring teenage vocalists in North Carolina. He has performed at various local events.