


#巴基斯坦 | 卡瓦里
Pakistan 巴基斯坦


阿比达•帕文(Abida Parveen)是一位演唱伽扎尔、苏菲派卡拉姆(Sufiana kalaam)和旁遮普民歌的流行歌手。 阿比达•帕文1954年出生于巴基斯坦信德省的拉尔卡纳专区(Larkana, Sindh)。她的父亲古兰姆•海德尔(Ghulam Haider)开办了一所音乐学校。这个家庭很靠近苏菲派圣徒的圣地,她从小就在苏菲派神秘主义诗歌、音乐的氛围中成长。她最初跟随父亲学习音乐,之后又跟随沙姆•绰拉西亚流派(Sham Chorasia gharana)的大师胡斯塔德•撒拉马特•阿里汉(Ustad Salamat Ali khan)学习音乐。她的歌唱生涯开始于她和巴基斯坦电台的节目制作人古兰姆•胡赛因•施克(Ghulam Hussain Sheikh)结婚后。 她的歌唱风格是嗓音饱满,富有男性气概。贝格姆•阿克塔尔(Begum Akhtar)对她的影响非常明显。她的古典音乐背景给予了她在修饰音上的运用自如的能力和对音符的控制能力。她情感强烈饱满的演唱使她成为了一名颇具感染力的艺术家。 阿比达主要演唱过去伟大的苏菲派诗人们创作的夸瓦力、信度和旁遮普卡非(Sindhi & Punjabi Kafee)。在努斯拉特•法德•阿里汉(Nusrt Fateh Ali Khan)去世后,许多人认为她是下一代伟大的神秘主义歌者的典范。她也非常擅长演唱伽扎尔。时代音乐发行了阿比达的一张唱片,一举打入国际流行音乐唱片每周畅销排行榜。唱片位于Top20中的第12位。

Abida Parveen is a rarity in the world of Sufi music, a female lead performer. She is the daughter of prominent Pakistani vocalist Ustad Ghulam Haider, who (somewhat bravely) ignored convention and allowed her to study under him, and she also accompanied him to various religious performances. After a time developing her abilities, she married Ustad Hussein Sheikh, an influential producer from Radio Pakistan, who also helped her to further her career. More time was spent in study, this time with the great Salamat Ali Khan. A number of albums, compilation appearances, and various world tours have followed, making her by far the most successful Sufi female performer, and one of the more notable performers of the form in general.
