


#当代节奏布鲁斯 #欧美流行
United States of America 美国



中文名: 爱莉安娜·格兰德

外文名: Ariana Grande

别    名: Cat、Ari、A妹、爱莉杏菜

国    籍: 美国

民    族: 美利坚民族

星    座: 巨蟹座

身    高: 157cm

出生地: 美国佛罗里达州伯克莱屯城

出生日期: 1993年6月26日

职    业: 演员、歌手

经纪公司: Republic Records

代表作品: Problem、Bang Bang、One Last Time、Side To Side、no tears left to cry、thank u, next

出道时间: 2008年

音乐风格: R&B、Pop

爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),1993年6月26日出生于美国佛罗里达州伯克莱屯市,美国新生代女歌手、演员。

2008年,爱莉安娜·格兰德出演百老汇音乐剧《Thirteen》中的夏洛特而成名。2010年,出演美剧《胜利之歌》中的Caterina Valentine。

2011年8月10日,爱莉安娜·格兰德与环球唱片签约。2013年9月,发行个人首张专辑《Yours Truly》 ,并凭借13万3的首周销量空降公告牌专辑榜冠军,同年获得第41届全美音乐奖“年度最佳新人”。

2014年8月25日,发行第二张个人专辑《My Everything》,并在公告牌专辑榜首周空降冠军,获美国唱片业协会认证2倍白金唱片。同年12月,获得第57届格莱美“年度最佳二人组/团体表演”和“最佳流行演唱专辑”两个提名。2015年11月23日,获得第43届全美音乐奖“最受欢迎流行/摇滚女歌手”奖项。

2016年4月,入围《时代》周刊2016全球最具影响力100人。同年5月20日,发行第三张个人专辑《Dangerous Woman》,于发行首周空降英国、澳大利亚、荷兰等11个地区的专辑榜冠军,美国公告牌专辑榜亚军,获美国唱片业协会认证白金唱片。同年11月,获得第44届全美音乐奖“年度艺人”奖项。12月,获得第59届格莱美“最佳流行独唱表演”和“最佳流行演唱专辑”两个提名。




爱莉安娜·格兰德出生并成长在佛罗里达州伯克莱屯城,她的哥哥是演员兼制片人Frankie Grande。她的声乐老师是Eric Vetro。4岁起,格兰德就在伯克莱屯的棕榈滩表演,几年之后她来到劳德代尔堡儿童剧院(Fort Lauderdale Children's Theater。

2008年,当爱莉安娜·格兰德决定出演音乐剧后便中断了在高中(North Broward Preparatory School)的学习,但仍是该校注册在案的学生。学校会发给她学习资料以便家庭教师辅导她学习。



2008年,爱莉安娜·格兰德在百老汇音乐剧《13》成功的诠释了夏洛特这个角色,因此而获得国家青年剧院协会奖(National Youth Theatre Association Award)。作为“百老汇在南非”的成员之一,爱莉安娜·格兰德每年都要去南非教那里的孩子们学习唱歌和跳舞。

2009年和2010年间,爱莉安娜·格兰德还同Miranda Sings在Birdland爵士乐俱乐部演出。2010年3月,爱莉安娜·格兰德于尼克少儿国际频道开播的剧集《胜利之歌》中饰演了卡特·瓦伦蒂娜,这个角色名字的字面意思是强健的猫咪。

2011年,爱莉安娜·格兰德为动画片《魔法俏佳人》中的角色蒂雅丝波公主(Princess Diaspro)配音。8月10日,爱莉安娜·格兰德与环球唱片签约。12月12日,第一首歌曲《Put Your Hearts Up》发行,属于泡泡糖流行乐风格。这首歌是面向青少年听众的,因为格兰德当时因出演《胜利之歌》在青少年中拥有了一定的人气,所以他们也是定位的核心听众。

2012年11月,尼克频道先是预定了第一季要拍摄20集。第一季原本是计划在12年3月份播出,但实际上拖到了6月份才播出了第一集。播出后不久,尼克频道又为第一季加订了一倍的集数,结果第一季就成了40集。同年,爱莉安娜·格兰德以封面女郎的形式登上了2011年8月的“Dream Magazine”。12月13-23日,爱莉安娜·格兰德与Charlene Tilton、Neil Patrick Harris等人一同出演了在帕萨迪娜剧院上演的哑剧《圣诞节的白雪公主》。同年翻唱Mariah Carey的单曲《Emotions》所拍摄的录影带在网络迅速走红。

2013年-2014年:推出首专《Yours Truly》

2013年6月,爱莉安娜·格兰德终于完成了她的首张录音室专辑《Yours Truly》,并于8月30日发售。专辑发行首周获得公告牌专辑榜冠军,令她成为继Kesha之后唯一一个首张专辑就获得如此佳绩的女歌手 。其中,3月26日,格兰德发行了与匹兹堡说唱艺人马克·米勒(Mac Miller)合作的歌曲《The Way》,后收录于她的第一张专辑中。《The Way》在2日内卖出了12万份,且在首周的销量累计达到了219,000份,并空降公告牌百强单曲榜第10,最终排名第9的好成绩。该专辑中还收录了《Baby I》和与底特律说唱艺人Big Sean合作的单曲和《Right There》,并分别作为推广首张专辑的第二支和第三支单曲,《Baby I》和《Right There》发行后分别空降公告牌百强单曲榜第21和第84。另外收录在专辑中与英国男歌手米卡(Mika)的合作单曲《Popular Song》在2012年12月21日作为Mika推广《The Origin of Love》专辑的第二支单曲发行,该曲最终在公告牌百强单曲榜排名第84。。8月19日,与The Wanted乐队的Nathan Sykes合作的《Almost Is Never Enough》作为《圣杯神器:骸骨之城》电影原声带发行,该曲也收录在《Yours Truly》中,且格兰德作为Justin Bieber的Believe巡演的亚特兰大场的表演嘉宾首演该曲。8月24日,爱莉安娜·格兰德出演的电影《骗局》在美国上映。9月,爱莉安娜·格兰德和Jimmy Fallon到时代广场用百老汇唱法演绎说唱曲目。同年,爱莉安娜·格兰德主演电视剧《莎姆与小猫的新生活》。11月,第41届全美音乐奖颁奖礼在美国洛杉矶举行,爱莉安娜表演《Tattooed Heart》,并获得“年度最佳新人”,且在当晚成为推特最热话题人物。12月18日,发行圣诞EP《Christmas Kisses》。

2014年-2015年:《My Everything》

2014年1月,爱莉安娜宣布与雷安·泰德和贝尼·布兰科合作,开始了第二张录音室专辑的录制 。同月,格兰德获得2014年人民选择奖“最受欢迎突出进步艺人”。 2014年3月,格兰德参加了于白宫举办的音乐会,并在奥巴马和米歇尔·奥巴马等人面前献艺。 4月18日,爱莉安娜·格兰德通过Twitter发布《Problem》单曲封面。4月27日发布最后一支单曲片段,并于当日的迪士尼电台音乐奖上首演该曲,表演背景板上首次公开了在宣传单曲片段中的歌词音乐录影带完整版。美国时间5月18日,2014美国公告牌音乐奖盛典在拉斯维加斯举办,爱莉安娜当晚与Iggy Azalea共同表演热单《Problem》。 8月24日,第31届MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼在加州英格伍德的The Forum中心举行,爱莉安娜·格兰德开场表演《Break Free》,与Jessie J和妮琪·米娜共同表演《Bang Bang》,并凭借《Problem》获得了"最佳流行录影带"奖 。

8月25日,爱莉安娜发行第二张录音室专辑《My Everything》,该专辑首周空降公告牌专辑榜冠军 。其中,在4月29日发行的专辑首支单曲《Problem》空降公告牌百强单曲榜季军,并最终获得第2名,在2014年公告牌单曲年榜获得第9名的好成绩。 第二支单曲《Break Free》和第三支单曲《Love Me Harder》发行后均在公告牌百强单曲榜排名前10。 第四支单曲《One Last Time》在公告牌百强单曲榜排名第13。 另外,收录在专辑豪华版中的合作单曲《Bang Bang》发行后空降公告牌第6,并最终获得第3名的好成绩, 并成为2014年在公告牌百强单曲榜最多单曲进前10的女歌手。此外,在2014年第35期公告牌百强单曲榜中,专辑中的三首歌同时霸占着前十名,追平了Adele三曲跻身前十的女歌手最高纪录。 。9月27日,爱莉安娜在“周六夜现场”节目担任表演嘉宾 。11月,登上《InStyle》杂志封面 。11月17日,《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(上)》电影原声带发行,格兰德为其献唱《All My Love》。 11月10日,爱莉安娜在MTV欧洲音乐颁奖典礼上表演《Break Free》,并凭借《Problem》获得了“最佳歌曲”和“最佳女歌手” 。11月23日,爱莉安娜在第42届全美音乐奖上表演专辑三支打榜单曲,并与Jessie J和妮琪·米娜共同压轴表演《Bang Bang》 。11月25日,发行圣诞单曲《Santa Tell Me》 。12月,爱莉安娜登上维多利亚的秘密时尚内衣秀并表演《Bang Bang》等四首歌曲串烧 。

2015年2月8日,爱莉安娜在第57届格莱美颁奖典礼表演《Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart》。 2月16日,格兰德在2015NBA全明星赛正赛带来中场表演,演唱《The Way》、《Problem》等6首热单。 2月25日至10月13日,举行"The Honeymoon Tour"巡回演唱会。 3月3日,歌曲《Adore》发行,该曲由Cashmere Cat进行制作。 同年5月,第23届公告牌音乐奖提名名单公布,格兰德获得7项提名。

2015年-2017年:《Dangerous Woman》

2015年期间,爱莉安娜开始进行第三张录音室专辑《Dangerous Woman》的录制,且原定将专辑取名为《Moonlight》。9月12日,格兰德做客《今夜秀》。  10月30日,单曲《Focus》发行,该单曲定为她个人香水ARI的宣传主题曲,并且原定为她第三张录音室专辑(未改名前)的首支单曲,《Focus》发行后空降公告牌百强单曲榜第7。  10月1日,意大利单曲《E Più Ti Penso》发行,爱莉安娜为意大利男歌手Andrea Bocelli助阵演唱,该单曲收录进Andrea Bocelli的意大利语专辑《Cinema》。  10月30日,翻唱单曲《Zero To Hero》发行,该单曲收录进《We Love Disney》系列专辑,并作为《大力神》电影插曲。  11月23日,爱莉安娜在第43届全美音乐奖上表演《Focus》,并获得“最受欢迎流行/摇滚女歌手”奖项,  并在当天发行与梅根·特瑞娜和Who Is Fancy的合作单曲《Boys Like You》。  12月18日,发行圣诞EP《Christmas & Chill》。

2016年3月,爱莉安娜再次做客“周六夜现场”节目。  4月,《时代》周刊公布2016全球最具影响力100人名单,格兰德作为艺术家入围。  5月,爱莉安娜在迪士尼电台音乐奖上表演单曲《Dangerous Woman》,并凭借《Focus》获得最佳舞蹈歌曲。  同月,登上《Billboard》杂志封面。

5月20日,发行第三张录音室专辑《Dangerous Woman》,该专辑在中国仅发售48小时,便突破了白金唱片,仅用时10天突破双白金销量,最终成功登上全球80国iTunes冠军  ,发行首周空降英国、澳大利亚、荷兰等11个地区的专辑销售榜冠军,空降美国、加拿大公告牌专辑榜、日本Oricon专辑榜第二  。其中,专辑同名首支单曲《Dangerous Woman》发行后横扫41国iTunes冠军,并空降公告牌百强单曲榜第10  ,该单曲最终排名第8  。专辑的第二支单曲《Into You》在该榜排名第13  。第三支单曲《Side To Side》排名第4  。第四支单曲《Everyday》排名第55  。

5月22日,爱莉安娜在第三张录音室专辑发行后立登第24届公告牌颁奖礼,并表演单曲《Into You》和《Dangerous Woman》  。5月25日,在《美国之声》第十季决赛中担任表演嘉宾  。7月31日,凭借《Dangerous Woman》获得2016年度美国青少年选择奖音乐类最佳女艺人单曲奖  。8月29日,爱莉安娜出席第33届MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼,并与妮琪·米娜共同表演《Side To Side》  。11月4日,《Faith》作为《欢乐好声音》插曲发行,这是爱莉安娜与美国黑人男歌手史提夫·汪达的首次合作  ,并获得2017年金球奖"最佳原创歌曲"提名  。11月20日,爱莉安娜与妮琪·米娜在第44届全美音乐奖再次表演《Side To Side》,并获得第44届全美音乐奖“年度艺人”奖项  。12月6日,凭借专辑《Dangerous Woman》及同名单曲获得第59届格莱美“最佳流行演唱专辑”和“最佳流行独唱表演”两个提名  。12月7日,她参演的音乐剧《发胶星梦》于NBC电视台首播,饰演Penny Pingleton  。

2017年1月,爱莉安娜确认成为日本《最终幻想:Brave Exvius》手游的宣传大使,并在游戏里拥有自己的角色,其专辑《Dangerous Woman》的曲目《Touch It》特别版混音将会发行并成为该游戏的宣传曲  。2月3日-9月21日,举行“Dangerous Woman Tour”巡回演唱会  ,并于8月26-30日,9月19-21日举行首次中国巡演(共五站)  ;发行与约翰·传奇合作的《Beauty and the Beast》,该歌曲作为电影同名主题曲被收录进《美女与野兽》电影原声带  。3月31日,助阵加尔文·哈里斯的单曲《Heatstroke》发行,并与Young Thug和法瑞尔·威廉姆斯合作献声该歌曲  。4月28日,发行与挪威DJ Cashemere Cat合作的新单《Quit》  。6月3日,于iTunes重新发行《One Last Time》单曲版,所得收入将捐献给5·22曼彻斯特恐怖袭击事件中的受伤者及受害者家属  。7月,格兰德被曼彻斯特政府授予“曼彻斯特荣誉公民称号”,以表彰她在爆炸案之后的一切贡献  。8月,格兰德在2017年青少年选择奖斩获4个奖项  。

2018年:《Sweetener》和《Thank You, Next》

2018年2月15日,爱莉安娜凭借2017年的"One Love Manchester"慈善演唱会赢得VO5 NME音乐奖“年度英雄”和“年度音乐时刻”两项大奖  。同年4月,获得2018年公告牌音乐奖“最佳社交艺人”提名  。5月,在公告牌音乐奖上开场表演《no tears left to cry》  。8月,爱莉安娜出席第35届MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼,表演《God is a Woman》  ,并凭借《no tears left to cry》获得最佳女歌手录影带奖项  。11月6日,爱莉安娜获得Billboard2018年年度女性称号,并于12月6日现身纽约盛典获此嘉奖  。

8月17日,爱莉安娜第四张录音室专辑《Sweetener》发行,专辑发行后累计在100个国家/地区的iTunes登顶,发行首周空降美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等20个国家/地区的专辑榜冠军  。其中专辑首只单曲《no tears left to cry》  发行后累计在94国家/地区的iTunes登顶  ,并空降Billboard单曲榜第3位  。第二支单曲《God is a Woman》于Billboard单曲榜排名第8  。第三支单曲《breathin》排名第14  。专辑宣传单曲《the light is coming》排名第89  。

11月3日,爱莉安娜第五张录音室专辑首支单曲《thank u, next》发行,该曲在美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等7个国家的单曲榜上获得冠军  。该曲使其成为第一位从首张专辑起,连续5张专辑的首支单曲在Billboard单曲榜中均空降前十的歌手  。

Life and career

1993–2008: Early life and career beginnings

Ariana Grande-Butera was born on June 26, 1993, in Boca Raton, Florida. She is the daughter of Joan Grande, the Brooklyn-born CEO of Hose-McCann Communications, a marine communications equipment company, and Edward Butera, a graphic design firm owner in Boca Raton. Grande is of Italian descent, and she refers to herself as an Italian American "half Sicilian and half Abruzzese". Her name was inspired by Princess Oriana from Felix the Cat: The Movie. She has an older half-brother, Frankie Grande, an entertainer and producer, and she has a close relationship with her maternal grandmother, Marjorie Grande. Grande's family moved from New York to Florida when her mother was pregnant with her, and her parents separated when she was around 8 or 9 years old.

As a child, Grande performed with the Fort Lauderdale Children's Theater, playing her first role as the title character in Annie. She also performed in the musicals The Wizard of Oz and Beauty and the Beast. At the age of 8, she performed at a karaoke lounge on a cruise ship and with various orchestras such as South Florida's Philharmonic, Florida Sunshine Pops and Symphonic Orchestras, and she made her first national television appearance singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" for the Florida Panthers. She attended Pine Crest School and North Broward Preparatory School.

By age 13, she became serious about pursuing a music career, though she still concentrated on theater. When she first arrived in Los Angeles to meet with her managers, she expressed a desire to record an R&B album: "I was like, 'I want to make an R&B album,' They were like 'Um, that's a helluva goal! Who is going to buy a 14-year-old's R&B album?!'" In 2008, Grande was cast in the supporting role of cheerleader Charlotte in the musical 13 on Broadway, for which she won a National Youth Theatre Association Award. When she joined the musical, Grande left North Broward Preparatory School, but continued to be enrolled; the school sent materials to her so she could study with tutors. She also sang various times at the New York City jazz club Birdland.

2009–2012: Breakthrough on Nickelodeon

Grande was cast in the Nickelodeon television show Victorious along with 13 co-star Elizabeth Gillies in 2009. In this sitcom, set in a performing arts high school, Grande played the "adorably dimwitted" Cat Valentine. She had to dye her hair red every other week for the role because the executive producer, Dan Schneider, did not want all the cast members to be brunettes, and the red hair was also a feature that the network felt would fit the personality of Cat. The show premiered in March 2010 to the second largest audience for a live-action series in Nickelodeon history with 5.7 million viewers. The role helped propel Grande to teen idol status, but she was more interested in a music career, stating that acting is "fun, but music has always been first and foremost with me." Her character was compared to "Brittany Murphy's performance as the hapless Tai in Clueless" (1995) and described as being "very impressionable and easily swayed" but "generally sweet". The second season premiered in April 2011 to 6.2 million viewers, becoming the highest rated episode of Victorious. In 2010, she played the role of Miriam in the musical Cuba Libre, written and produced by songwriter Desmond Child.

After the first season of Victorious wrapped, Grande wanted to focus on her music career and began working on her debut album in August 2010. To strengthen her vocal range, she began working with vocal coach Eric Vetro. She made her first musical appearance on the track "Give It Up" on the soundtrack Victorious: Music from the Hit TV Show in August 2011. While filming Victorious, Grande made several recordings of herself singing covers of songs by Adele, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, and uploaded them to YouTube. A friend of Monte Lipman, CEO of Republic Records, came across one of Grande's videos. Impressed by her vocals, he sent the links to Lipman, who signed her to a recording contract. She released her first single, "Put Your Hearts Up", in December 2011, which was recorded for a teen-oriented pop album that was not issued. She later disowned the track for its bubblegum pop sound, saying that she had no interest in recording music of that genre. The song was later certified gold by the RIAA. Also in 2011, she voiced the fairy Princess Diaspro in 13 episodes of the Nickelodeon version of the Italian animated television series Winx Club, appeared in Greyson Chance's music video for a song called "Unfriend You" from his album Hold On 'til the Night, portraying Chance's ex-girlfriend, and voiced the title role in the English dub of the Spanish-language animated film Snowflake, the White Gorilla.

On a second soundtrack for Victorious, Victorious 2.0, released on June 5, 2012, as an extended play, Grande supplied vocals for a cover of "Don't You (Forget About Me)". After three seasons, Victorious was not renewed. The finale aired in February 2013. The third and final Victorious soundtrack, Victorious 3.0, was released on November 6, 2012, featuring Grande duetting with Victoria Justice in the song "L.A. Boyz". A music video of the song followed. In December 2012, Grande collaborated on the single version of "Popular Song", a duet with British singer and songwriter Mika. She also starred as Snow White in a pantomime-style musical theatre production called A Snow White Christmas, together with Charlene Tilton and Neil Patrick Harris at the Pasadena Playhouse. Grande played Amanda Benson in Swindle, a 2013 Nickelodeon film adaptation of the children's book of the same name.

Meanwhile, Nickelodeon created Sam & Cat, an iCarly and Victorious spin-off starring Jennette McCurdy and Grande. Grande and McCurdy reprised their respective roles as Cat Valentine and Sam Puckett on the buddy sitcom, which paired the characters as roommates who form an after-school babysitting business. The pilot aired on June 8, 2013, and the show was immediately picked up by the network. The following month, Nickelodeon doubled Sam & Cat's original 20-episode order for season one, making it a 40-episode season. Despite its success in the ratings, the series was canceled after 36 episodes. The final episode aired on July 17, 2014.

2013–2015: Yours Truly and My Everything

Grande recorded her first studio album Yours Truly, originally titled Daydreamin', over a three-year period. It was released on August 30, 2013. She is credited as a songwriter on several tracks of the album. In September 2013, it debuted at Number one on the US Billboard 200 albums chart, with 138,000 copies sold in its first week, making Grande the first female artist since Kesha to have her first album debut atop the charts and ranking her the 15th female artist overall. Yours Truly also debuted in the top 10 in several other countries, including Australia, the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands. By April 2014, the album had sold over 500,000 copies in the United States, and later it became Grande's first platinum album.

The lead single "The Way", featuring Pittsburgh rapper Mac Miller, debuted at number 10 on the US Billboard Hot 100, eventually peaking at number nine for two weeks, and spent 26 weeks on the Hot 100. Grande was later sued by Minder Music for copying the line "What we gotta do right here is go back, back in time" from the 1972 song "Troglodyte (Cave Man)" by The Jimmy Castor Bunch. Sam Lansky of Time magazine called the song "breezy, catchy throwback soul  showed off her towering voice." Following the release of the album, Billboard magazine ranked Grande at number four on their list of "Music's Hottest Minors 2013", an annual ranking of the most popular musicians under the age of 21. The second single, "Baby I", debuted at number 21 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, making it her second Top 40 hit. The song also debuted at number six on the US Billboard Hot Digital Songs chart, making Grande the only female music artist to debut two songs in the top 10 of the Hot Digital Songs chart during the year 2013. The third single, "Right There", featuring Detroit rapper Big Sean, debuted at number 84 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Grande recorded the duet "Almost Is Never Enough" with Nathan Sykes of The Wanted. She also joined Justin Bieber on his Believe Tour for three shows and kicked off her own headlining mini-tour, The Listening Sessions. At the 2013 American Music Awards, she won the award for New Artist of the Year. She released a four-song Christmas EP, Christmas Kisses in December 2013. Christmas Kisses received critical praise for its "R&B spin" on the Christmas classics. Grande received the Breakthrough Artist of the Year award from the Music Business Association, recognizing her achievements throughout 2013, including her number one debut on the Billboard 200 and her top 10 single on the Hot 100.

By January 2014, Grande had begun recording her second studio album, with singer-songwriter Ryan Tedder and record producers Benny Blanco and Max Martin. Grande is credited as a songwriter on several tracks of the album. The same month, she earned the Favorite Breakout Artist award at the People's Choice Awards 2014. In March 2014, Grande sang at the White House concert, "Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House". The following month, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama invited Grande again to perform at the White House for the Easter Egg Roll event.

Grande released her second studio album My Everything on August 25, 2014. It sold 169,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the Billboard 200, becoming her second consecutive number one album in the US. Its lead single "Problem" features Australian rapper Iggy Azalea and premiered at the 2014 Radio Disney Music Awards on April 27. The song debuted at number three (eventually climbing to number two) on the Billboard Hot 100, and debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart, becoming Grande's first number one single in the United Kingdom. It made British chart history as the first song to land at No. 1 based on sales and streams. The song was the highest debut ever for a collaboration of female soloists. The second single, "Break Free", featuring German musician and producer Zedd, peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one on the Hot Dance/Electronic Songs. The futuristic video has been viewed more than 900 million times. She performed the song as the opening of the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, and won Best Pop Video for "Problem". That video has been viewed more than 1.1 billion times. She and Nicki Minaj provided guest vocals on "Bang Bang", the lead single from Jessie J's album Sweet Talker. The song reached number three in the US, making it Grande's third song in the Hot 100's top 10 the same week ("Problem", "Break Free" and "Bang Bang"), and went to number one in the UK. She joined Adele as the only female artist with three top 10 hits simultaneously as a lead artist. The music video for "Bang Bang" has been viewed more than 1.2 billion times on YouTube. My Everything spent 88 weeks on the Billboard 200. Rolling Stone magazine wrote, "My Everything is where the 21-year-old Nickelodeon starlet grows up. It's a confident, intelligent, brazen pop statement, mixing bubblegum diva vocals with EDM break beats". Billboard's review noted that My Everything is not kid-friendly, like Grande's earlier efforts, and "pulled more sounds into her repertoire while keeping her biggest weapon, a remarkable vocal range, as a steady foundation."

On September 27, 2014, Grande was the musical performer on the season 40 premiere of NBC's Saturday Night Live, with Chris Pratt as the host. Three days later, the third single from My Everything, "Love Me Harder", featuring Canadian recording artist The Weeknd, debuted on the Billboard Hot 100, later peaking at No. 7. In November 2014, Grande was featured in Major Lazer's song "All My Love", which was released as the fourth single from the soundtrack album for the film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1. The same month, Grande released a Christmas song titled "Santa Tell Me". Spending 34 consecutive weeks in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 in 2014, Grande had the most top 10 singles of any artist that year. She later released a fifth single from My Everything, "One Last Time", which peaked at No. 13 on the Billboard Hot 100. By April 2015, the album had sold over 600,000 copies in the US and is certified double platinum by the RIAA.

In early 2015, Grande embarked on The Honeymoon Tour, with shows in North America, Europe, Asia and South America. Following the tour's early success, more dates were added, and the tour concluded in October 2015 after a total of nearly 90 dates. It earned approximately $40 million and sold over 800,000 tickets. Reviews of the tour performances generally praised Grande's vocals and ability to convey emotion in the songs but found the concerts to be over-produced: "ome judicious editing would've elevated the evening from surprising to satisfying and possibly even shockingly good. As it is, Grande is so busy piling on the spectacle she neglects to highlight the one thing – those deceptively powerful pipes – setting her apart from her contemporaries."

Grande was featured on Cashmere Cat's song "Adore", which was released in March during her Honeymoon Tour; a review in USA Today said: "Grande's towering vocals have never sounded better than on this offbeat R&B track." Also in 2015, Grande guest-starred on several episodes of the Fox comedy-horror TV series Scream Queens as Chanel#2. Grande filmed an episode for the Fox TV reality series Knock Knock Live, but the show was canceled before her episode aired.

2016–2017: Dangerous Woman

Grande began recording songs for her third studio album, originally titled Moonlight, in 2015. In October of that year, she released the single "Focus", initially intended as the lead single from the album; the song debuted at number 7 on the Hot 100. The song's music video has been viewed more than 800 million times on YouTube. She also signed an exclusive publishing contract with Universal Music Publishing Group covering her entire catalogue, duetted in Italian with Andrea Bocelli on the track "E Più Ti Penso" from his album Cinema and on an accompanying video, covered the song "Zero to Hero" from the film Hercules for the compilation album We Love Disney. Grande also released her second Christmas EP, Christmas & Chill, which debuted at number 34 on the Billboard 200 and number three on Billboard's Holiday Albums chart.

In March 2016, Grande released "Dangerous Woman" as the lead single from the retitled album of the same name. The single debuted at number 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was Grande's seventh top 10 entry on that chart. She is the first person in the history of the Hot 100 to have the lead single from each of her first three albums debut in the top 10. The song later peaked at number 8 on the Hot 100. On March 12, 2016, Grande appeared as host and musical guest of Saturday Night Live, where she performed "Dangerous Woman" and debuted the promotional single "Be Alright", which she released on March 18. The song charted at number 43 on the Billboard Hot 100. Grande garnered positive reviews for her appearance on the show, including praise for her impressions of various singers, some of which she had done on The Tonight Show. Jonathon Dornbush of Entertainment Weekly wrote that Grande "not only nailed her musical performances, but also shone as the best part of some of the night's sketches", including a "shockingly good" Jennifer Lawrence impression, continuing, "Grande proved she could hold her own amongst the SNL players." Stephanie Webber of Us Weekly praised Grande's Judy Garland scene as a cheeky, boozy starship commander. Grande won an online voting poll on Entertainment Weekly as the "best host of the season". In May 2016, among other appearances to promote the album, on The Voice season 10 finale, Grande performed the second single from the album, "Into You", which peaked at No. 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, and duetted with Christina Aguilera on "Dangerous Woman".

Grande released her third studio album Dangerous Woman on May 20, 2016; it debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, number one in the UK, number two in Japan, and number one in several other markets, including Australia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and New Zealand. Nolan Feeney commented in Entertainment Weekly that Grande "pulls off pop, R&B, reggae, and house – all without overextending herself or pandering to trends". Mark Savage, writing for BBC News, called the album "a mature, confident record". At the Summertime Ball at London's Wembley Stadium in June, Grande performed three songs from the album as part of her set. In August, Grande released a third single from the album, "Side to Side", featuring rapper Nicki Minaj, her eighth top 10 entry on the Hot 100, which peaked at number four on that chart. The song's music video has been viewed more than 1.4 billion times. The album and the title track were each nominated for 2017 Grammy Awards. Dangerous Woman spent more than 100 weeks on the Billboard 200.

Also in 2016, Grande made a cameo appearance in the comedy film Zoolander 2 starring Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. She also collaborated with MAC Cosmetics on a makeup collection, donating 100% of proceeds to the MAC AIDS Fund, and launched a fashion line in collaboration with Lipsy London. In August 2016, Grande performed a tribute to Whitney Houston on the season finale of the ABC TV show Greatest Hits and headlined the opening night of Billboard's Hot 100 Festival, performing a nearly hour-long set of her own songs. Grande filmed a commercial for T-Mobile that premiered in October 2016. She played Penny Pingleton in the December 2016 NBC television broadcast Hairspray Live!. Sonia Saraiya wrote in Variety that Grande was the show's "MVP, acting as both reliably overlook-able sidekick and, once the situation required it, showstopping diva." The same month, Grande performed "Faith", together with Stevie Wonder, on the season finale of The Voice; they collaborated on the song for the soundtrack of the 2016 film Sing. She also participated in the Jingle Ball Tour 2016.

Grande began her Dangerous Woman Tour in February 2017 in North America and then Europe. Reviewing the concert for Las Vegas Weekly, Ian Caramanzana wrote: "Grande's burly, soulful vibrato and wide range remain the star of her show, and she's at her best when it's just her, a microphone and her band – especially when she performs ... ballads." Jon Pareles of The New York Times called the concert "a show of confidence, prowess and aplomb. ... Her agile soprano was strong and unconcealed in every song." After Grande's concert at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, on May 22, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive in the foyer of the arena, causing 23 fatalities and more than 500 injuries. Grande suspended the tour until June 7 and held a televised benefit concert, One Love Manchester, on June 4 at the Old Trafford Cricket Ground in Manchester, helping to raise $23 million to aid the bombing victims and affected families. Grande, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and other artists performed. To recognize her efforts, the City Council named Grande the first honorary citizen of Manchester. The tour resumed in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Oceania. It ended in September 2017, earning more than $71 million and selling over 875,000 tickets.

The same year, Grande recorded the title track of the soundtrack for the 2017 live-action remake of Disney's Beauty and the Beast with John Legend. She also appeared in an Apple Music Carpool Karaoke episode, singing musical theatre songs with Seth MacFarlane, and became a brand ambassador for Reebok. Even without releasing a new album in 2017, Grande became Billboard's Female Artist of the Year". Grande has released five fragrances with Luxe Brands since 2015. They had grossed over $150 million in global sales by 2017.

2018: Sweetener and Thank U, Next

Grande began working on songs for her fourth studio album with Pharrell Williams in 2016, but "the events in Manchester gave a hard reset to the project's expectations". On April 20, 2018, Grande released "No Tears Left to Cry" as the lead single from the upcoming album, together with a music video for the song. The song debuted at number three on the Billboard Hot 100, where it became Grande's ninth single to reach the top ten in the United States and made Grande the only artist to have debuted the first single from each of her first four albums in the top ten of the Hot 100. She performed "No Tears Left to Cry" on the Tonight Show on May 1, where she revealed the title of the album, Sweetener. The album was made available for pre-order on June 20, 2018, along with the promotional single "The Light Is Coming", featuring rapper Nicki Minaj. The album's second single, "God Is a Woman", was released on July 13, 2018. It peaked at number 8 on the Hot 100 and was Grande's 10th song to reach the top 10 on that chart. The album was released on August 17, 2018. Grande gave four concerts to promote the album, billed as The Sweetener Sessions, at New York City's Irving Plaza, The Vic Theatre in Chicago, Ace Theater in Los Angeles, and KOKO in London between August 20 and September 4, 2018. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and has received favorable reviews from critics. Grande has scheduled a concert tour, the Sweetener World Tour, to begin on March 18, 2019, in Albany, New York. The North American leg is expected to run through June.

Grande has announced that her upcoming fifth studio album will be titled Thank U, Next. The lead single, "Thank U, Next", was released on November 3, 2018. The song debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Grande's first number one single in the United States. It was quickly certified platinum in the United States, and the song's music video broke records for most-watched music video on YouTube within 24 hours of release and fastest Vevo video to reach 100 million views on YouTube. On Spotify, the song became the most-streamed song by a female artist in a 24-hour period and the fastest song in history to reach 100 million streams. Later the same month, Grande released, in collaboration with YouTube, a four-part docuseries titled Ariana Grande: Dangerous Woman Diaries. It shows behind the scenes and concert footage from Grande's Dangerous Woman tour, including moments from the One Love Manchester concert, and follows her professional life during the tour and the making of Sweetener. The series debuted on November 29, 2018.


Yours Truly (2013)

My Everything (2014)

Dangerous Woman (2016)

Sweetener (2018)

Thank U, Next (TBA)

