


#流行摇滚 #独立摇滚 #英伦摇滚 #电力流行
United Kingdom 英国


来自leeds的kaiser chiefs 由主唱Ricky Wilson、鼓手Nick Hodgson、键琴手Nick “Peanut” Baines、贝斯手Simon Rix和吉它手Steve “Whitey” White.

Kaiser Chiefs的前身,是一支叫作Parva的车库摇滚乐队,可惜当时他们的发展却毫不如意,甚至饱尝冷眼,令他们非常气馁。他们的名字来源于一支成功的南美足球队。

从小已立志组乐队,然后走红,是不少英国孩子的理想兼梦想,Kaiser Chiefs的成员也不例外。Nick、Peanut和Simon三人在学生时代已一起组织乐队,后来遇上弹吉它的Whitey,而在Nick的引荐下又找来乐感很强、样子又讨人喜欢的Ricky加入,Parva便这样成军。问题是在英国等待伯乐发掘的乐队,简直有如恒河沙数,Parva差不多只有处于无人问津的境况。

另一方面,Nick和Ricky在两年前于列斯成立了Pigs这个他们的Club Night,在舞池上大播Ultravox甚至Van Halen的作品,而在Pigs里他们也有了新启发。结果他们把Parva的作品丢掉,并起了一个新名字,Kaiser Chiefs就是这样衍生,实行DIY是他们的大前提。

于是Kaiser Chiefs便积极宣传他们的现场gig,在Nick的卧室里以一台廉价混音机灌录Demo。他们把成名作《Oh My God》的Demo毛遂自荐投寄给众唱片公司A&R,但是却全无回音。幸好NME对他们宠爱有加,为他们多加报道,继而Drowned In Sound公司才把Oh My God发表成单曲。然后,Kaiser Chiefs终受到B-Unique音乐商青睐,给予他们一纸唱片合约。

Kaiser Chiefs得以走红,外界都视之为Franz Ferdinand所种下的成果,彼此的作品,同是满溢着八十年代New Wave流行曲气息而来,况且Nick亦屡次提及他对Ultravox这支新浪潮乐队的热爱。然而Kaiser Chiefs却并没有染指为另一支New Wave复兴队伍,因为他们的音乐其实来得很Britpop,打造出结集着精良英式流行曲元素而来的美好声音。

Ricky有着酷似Damon Albarn的嗓音,加上Peanut一手流丽闪亮的键琴与Synth Riff,委实不禁叫人联想起昔日的Blur,而且还要是1994年Parklife时期的Blur──巧合的是,为Kaiser Chiefsr的首张专辑Employment跨刀监制的Stephen Street,就正是当年Parklife的制作人。不要忘记从前Blur的“精良英式流行曲总汇”背后,何尝不是满载New Wave音乐的熏陶而来呢?

从有着扣人心弦合声的成名作《Oh My God》到张力十足的新浪潮摇滚《I Predict A Riot》,再到即将发表成单曲与Sing-along非常的爽劲曲目《Everyday I Love You Less And Less》,都是那类醒神、漂亮、爽朗而带着New Wave熏陶的型格英伦流行音乐。

When Tears for Fears sang, &Kick out the Style/Bring back the Jam,& in &Sowing the Seeds of Love,& one can imagine the lads in Kaiser Chiefs raising their mugs of ale in agreement. Comprised of vocalist Ricky Wilson, guitarist Andrew White, bassist Simon Rix, keyboardist Nick Baines, and drummer Nick Hodgson, Kaiser Chiefs resurrected the mod spirit of the Jam in &I Predict a Riot,& supercharged class of '77 power pop that quickly electrified the British press when it was released in 2004. The song was inspired by Wilson's days as a club DJ in Leeds, England, where the group was also formed. The single and Kaiser Chiefs' pogo-inducing, boot-stomping live performances had them pegged as rising stars in the neo-new wave revolution with Franz Ferdinand, Dogs Die in Hot Cars, and the Futureheads. When Kaiser Chiefs' first 7& &Oh My God& reached Number 66 on the U.K. charts — a startling achievement for an unsigned band — doors opened for the group to share the stage with larger acts, consequently grabbing the attention of A&R scouts who wanted to sign them &I Predict a Riot,& on the other hand, reeled in U.S. modern rock radio programmers caught in a blooming new wave revival. Without an American label deal, Kaiser Chiefs (named after the South African football team) crash-landed on some of the biggest U.S. alternative stations with the &I Predict a Riot& import single in late 2004. That same year they recorded their debut album Employment for the U.K. label B-Unique. The album was released domestically in the U.S. in spring 2005. The group's follow-up, Yours Truly, Angry Mob arrived in the Spring of 2007.

