


Germany 德国



中 文 名 Monta

类    型 乐团

成    员 Tobias Kuhn

时    间 2003


monta是一个乐团, 一个德国籍英国人Tobias Kuhn 撑起的乐团, 这个相貌平平的Kuhn是另一个德国乐队Miles的主唱兼吉他手。Monta应该算是Kuhn的一个solo project。2005年,Monta带来了一张一鸣惊人的《Where Circles Begin》。

2003年Monta发行第一张EP《Always Altamont》,干净优美略带一点sadcore的独立流行风格从此确立。之后Monta总是作为配角给 Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Elbow, Naked Lunch 等乐队做助阵演出。

2005年,Monta终于带来了一张一鸣惊人的《Where Circles Begin》。而这张是他07年的最新专辑。主唱的Kuhn的声线是适合演绎小indie作品的嗓子,干净,温和,有一点内敛,带一些青涩,很家常,因此让人听着舒服,并且“有一点动心”。Monta的歌词写得跟他的声音也是绝配,简洁却不粗浅,平白中又透出一点小意蕴。他的声音,苦涩,淡薄,干净。隽永的indie-pop 调子、简约的音乐来营造他的音乐空间,并泛着淡淡的伤感情怀,处处带有青葱的苦涩味道。

2006年12月发行单曲《Good Morning Stranger》。

2007年3月发行专辑《The Brilliant Masses》。

Monta is the one-man project of Tobias Kuhn, formerly singer of Miles. Monta makes up the centre of his work - the bottom line of his musical labour. Monta can be tender as a whistle or roaring like thunder, from homey living rooms to a stage somewhere on the globe.

After the ep “Always Altamont”, the highly acclaimed first longplayer “Where Circles Begin” had been released worldwide and made it to album of the week of the Sunday Times (UK) and the single “I’m Sorry” can still be heard as theme song of the japanese counterpart to CNN news. Now there’s a new single “Good Morning Stranger” and a new album - “The Brilliant Masses”!

Brilliant indeed: a collection of eleven songs who ask for careful listening and instantaneously stare into your eyes. In a language often enciphered and metaphorical yet clearly coherent and radiant as a lighthouse. Songs who can alienate people and at the same time spend warmth.

With awareness and luminosity Kuhn sums up the things and thoughts that motivate him and get him going. The song titles themselves make up the synopsis: love, estrangement, doubt, certainty, home, getting along, trust, disappointment, capitulation, achievement, loneliness, bliss and the never-ending search. Over and over and over again. Again and again packed in those awesome melodies which let the world shine in a different light for a moment or a little longer.

