


#世界融合 #摇滚 #世界节拍 #非洲打击乐


Tinariwen来自马里(mali)共和国,一个西非内陆小国,位于撒哈拉沙漠南部,气候干旱,即使在最冷的季节,气温最高也达33度。马里以农牧业为主,工业基础薄弱,经济比较落后,生活条件很艰苦。但正是这个沙漠小国,却诞生了Oumou Sangare、Ali Farka Toure、Salif Keita、Afel Bocoum等等许多闻名世界的音乐家。 2002年,又一支乐团给世界音乐迷带来了惊喜:Tinariwen乐团2002年发表第一张专集,其独特的沙漠蓝调风格给人留下深刻印象。 Tinariwen,来自于生活在南部撒哈拉的Touareg(图阿雷格)游牧民族,乐队以电吉他为主,非洲传统乐器为辅,融合蓝调、民谣、民族等元素,伴以部落传统的合唱人声。这支六人乐队在探索世界融合风格的同时,也在维护着部落千年文化与传统,在艰苦的条件下顽强生活着。 Tinariwen的首张专辑The Radio Tisdas Sessions,就是在Kidal的Radio Tisdas工作室录制完成的。在那里不仅气候恶劣条件艰苦,而且时间有限,他们只能从晚上七点到夜半这段时间工作,因为只有在这个时候是有电的。 Tinariwen的电吉他音色清澈,悠远,带一点迷幻,轻松舒缓的节奏,配合乐队极具根源性的方言合唱,我听不懂他们唱什么,眼前却不禁浮现出清冷的月光下连绵的沙漠景色,徒步旅行者围坐在篝火旁边弹边唱,一种乡愁的感觉,让人久久回味。 2003年Tinariwen组织了The Festival in the Desert,邀请了很多出生于沙漠地区的著名非洲歌手参加。 2004年,Tinariwen出版了第二张专辑Amassakoul,这张专辑节奏性更强,不过其蓝调与传统融合的风格没变。 Tinariwen,他们是一群生活在南部撒哈拉的Touareg(图阿雷格)游牧民族,这个被称为沙漠骑士的部落已经从非洲北部到西部流浪了有几个世纪了,如今群集于马里边境,马里的持续武装斗争的运动中,诞生了这支六人乐队。

by Evan C. Gutierrez

Tinariwen is a Tuareg group that performs in a Middle Eastern/African style similar to artists like Ali Farka Toure or Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. All of the musicians originating from the southern Sahara, the group's name, meaning "empty places," is a reflection of their lands of origin. The band formed in the rebel camps of Colonel Ghadaffi, as each of the musicians had been forced from their nomadic lifestyle into involuntary military service. Surrounded by a displaced nation of their peers, Tinariwen forged a new style of music, trading their traditional lutes and shepherd's flutes for electric guitars and drums. The style that resulted was dubbed Tishoumaren, "the music of the unemployed." Their music addressed issues such as political awakening, problems of exile, repression of their people, and demands of sovereignty. In a region with no postal or telephone system, their tapes soon became a grassroots voice of rebellion and a rallying point for a disenfranchised nation. Though outlawed in Algeria and Mali, 2001's The Radio Tisdas Sessions and 2004's Amassakoul are available to Western audiences.

