做为美国最早公开同志身份的艺人之一,超性感的地下独立音乐人Ari Gold无疑丧失了进军主流音乐市场的机会,只能在俱乐部演出,在自己的录音室录制自己创作的音乐,在自己的网站和iTunes出售这些作品,不过这些都无法遮掩他的音乐才华,阻拦他成为gay界超级流行歌手,喜欢他的坦诚,以及他对音乐的忠诚。
Ari Gold (born February 11, 1977) is a Jewish-American, rhythm and blues singer and songwriter. He is believed to be the first American openly gay R&B or pop singer to be openly so from the beginning of their career.
Gold regularly addresses both his being Jewish and gay and starred in an autobiographic theater production, Ari Gold - Untitled: The Making Of A Gay Pop Star