出生地 :埃德蒙顿,加拿大
经历:Carmen Rasmusen出生于加拿大的埃德蒙顿,似乎被上帝赐予的表演的能力。她是一个非常有才华的音乐家,5岁大的时候就已经能够登台演出。
2003年,还是一个高中学生的她和数以千计的“美国偶像”其他选手一起试音。起初,她被挤到了200名。但是后来,她被一个裁判选中,在“百搭牌”中和另一个男偶像Clay Aiken一起同台演出。自那之后,她便进入十二强。作为决赛选手,Carmen需要参加最后的周赛(每周都会有个选手淘汰)。Carmen的声音、魅力和电影明星的容貌让她成功的成为当年的“美国偶像”第六名。
Carmen同时也在最近的一部新版“傲慢与偏见”电影中演出。同时给这部电影唱了一首自己的单曲“Be With You”。而Carmen最近也被Fox network选中,移往好莱坞,开始她的演艺生涯。尽管她喜欢演戏,但她更把她的重心放在的音乐事业上面。
2004年,她完成了她的前四首单曲。2007年出了她的第一张专辑《Nothin' Like the Summer》
by Marisa Brown
A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Carmen Rasmusen was born March 25, 1985, in Edmonton, Canada, though she grew up in Bountiful, Utah. She took both dance and piano lessons at an early age, and at 13 she began singing lessons. In 2003, shortly before her 18th birthday, she joined the contestants on the second season of American Idol as a wild-card pick. Though Rasmusen finished in sixth place, she wasn't deterred, releasing an EP, Carmen, the following year, touring the country with the whole AmIdol crew, as well as picking up small acting parts. Music was still her first love, however, and after signing to independent country label Lofton Creek Records, the young singer released her debut full-length, Nothin' Like the Summer, in August of 2007.