


#重金属 #另类金属 #厄运金属
United States of America 美国


这支乐团的身上其实并无非常明显的特征,他们的风格也无法贴上某种特定的标签。在我听来这支乐团的作品是游走于Post Rock和Post Metal之间的,而又带着非常强烈的氛围色彩。如果要从风格上分析的话,我一时也说不上来哪里吸引到了我,也许徘徊与理性与黑暗界限里的情感色彩才是他们最迷人的地方吧。推荐他们的一张正式作品与一张Split给大家,这张Split是与另一支叫Fire On The Horizon乐团合作完成的。其实两支团都算得上很低调的地下乐团,他们的作品几乎都是通过网络厂牌而发行的,这也几乎成了大部分地下乐团被人了解的一种主要途径。另外值得一提的是,这支乐团的作品都非常的长,正式专辑的时长是53分钟,而Split则达到了71分钟,真是变态之极。这种长度的专辑听起来恐怕需要不少的耐性,但我相信只要大家细细品味其中必定有能让你们惊喜的地方。

Brandon Helms (guitars, samples) and Robert Knight (bass) founded From Oceans to Autumn in the summer of 2006 — shortly after laying to rest their previous band, Autumn Is Forever, which had a long, if nondescript run between 1997 and 2004. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, the pair proceeded to recruit Jay Fields (drums) and Chris Hiate (keyboards, samples) in order to record their debut full-length, Calmed by the Tide, which was released by Forgotten Empire Records in 2007, and showcased a broad range of instrumental post-metal and drone rock influences including Isis, Taken, Earth, Sunn 0))), and Rosetta. From Oceans to Autumn also released a split album with Scottish labelmates Fire on the Horizon in July 2008, before getting to work on their second LP, which was scheduled for release later that year under the working title of II: Oath of Eternals.
