


United States of America 美国


Lisa Lynne可说是世界民族音乐类别里的翘首和先驱者之一。人们用各种各样的角度去评价她,赞赏她,而无论从哪个角度而言,她都是首屈一指的。最为人们所熟知的是,她是国际上CELTIC竖琴类别里的最顶级的演奏者,她不单单演奏她自己所谱写的竖琴曲,同时还演奏古老的爱尔兰部落民间音乐。 被称为竖琴女王的德国才女 Lisa Lynne 丽莎·琳 是一位资深音乐人和演奏者,她的以凯尔特竖琴为主奏的原创器乐专辑已售出愈百万张,在新世纪和凯尔特音乐领域都享有盛誉。她自幼无师自通,学会演奏多种乐器,她最终钟情于凯尔特竖琴,在过去的十八年里她一直热切追寻着优美的琴音。

Lisa Lynne 丽莎·琳 从谦卑的启始一步步登上成功的阶梯,开始创立自己的制作公司和录音室。随后又在当地的一个摇滚乐队演奏贝司。她的音乐较之一般的凯尔特更有一种浓浓的暖意,犹如照亮圣诞夜的烛火,点燃人们心里的甜蜜。她的音乐造诣极高,经常与一些大师级的演奏家合作都毫不逊色。优美舒缓是 Lisa Lynne 丽莎·琳 的本色,有人评价她的音乐是让人近距离接触上帝的桥梁,她的音乐是最适合都市人的竖琴甜梦,娴熟的竖琴技法,加上清新的竹笛,时而出现的敲击乐,让你不醉也难。

Lisa Lynne是一位资深音乐人和演奏者,她的以凯尔特竖琴为主奏的原创器乐专辑已售出愈百万张。她自幼无师自通,学会演奏多种乐器,最终钟情于凯尔特竖琴,在过去的十八年里她一直热切追寻着优美的琴音。Lisa从谦卑的启始一步步登上成功的阶梯,开始创立自己的制作公司和录音室。

在与久负盛名的Windham Hill和NewEarth Record厂牌签约后,她同时推出自己的厂牌:Lavender SkyMusic。她近期发行的四张专辑全都在居尔特、新世纪和世界音乐电台播放排行榜上雄踞高位,并跻身Billboard音乐排行榜的前二十名。Lisa终年巡游在外,在美国的各式音乐节和Windham Hill Winter Solstice 的音乐会上演出。有人评价她的音乐是让人近距离接触上帝的桥梁,她的音乐是最适合都市人的竖琴甜梦,娴熟的竖琴技法,加上清新的竹笛,时而出现的敲击乐,让你不醉也难。

by Jason Ankeny

Celtic harpist Lisa Lynne Franco began studying music as a child; initially attracted to folk sounds, she took up the guitar and mandolin, later playing bass in a local rock band. While enrolled at Hollywood's Musician's Institute of Technology, she concurrently enjoyed a thriving career as a session player; upon discovering the harp in 1985, Franco also formed a progressive rock outfit dubbed Bigger Than Blue. After landing a deal with the German label Innovative Concepts, however, student visa problems forced the band to dissolve, so Franco instead played all the instruments on 1991's debut LP Bigger Than Blue; three more efforts for the label -- Romantic Dreams, My Way and Silken Wings -- followed while she formed a new group, Celestial Winds, which earned a significant following playing the boardwalk along Venice Beach. A compilation of material from the group's cassette releases, Celestial Winds I, appeared in 1994, followed later that year by Christmas Morning; after 1995's Oceans of Love, however, Franco returned to her solo career, issuing Moonsongs the next year. A pair of independent 1997 LPs, Love & Peace and Fairie Tales (the latter recorded with Elfin Love Tribe), arrived simultaneously with a number of appearances on Windham Hill label compilations; Franco officially joined the record company in 1998, with her debut Daughters of the Celtic Moon credited simply to Lisa Lynne. Seasons of the Soul appeared in 1999.

