Dangerous Muse是来自美国纽约的电音组合,成员是主唱Mike Furey与键盘手Tom Napack。
2003年他们在互相认识的朋友下介绍而认识,当时Mike有个想为爱慕他的女孩写歌的想法,这就让他们两人激起音乐火花与合作欲望,而"The Rejection"就是牵起两人的首支作品。来年他们在Tom的宿舍录制这首歌的Demo,Mike则把歌曲放在他的iPod试听并分享。在某次偶然的机缘下他遇到Seymour Stein(他是华纳旗下大厂的前总裁Sire Records
目前签入的歌手有The Futureheads、HIM、The Veronicas、The Subways等乐团组合)并请他试听Dangerous Muse的歌曲Demo,随后Seymour给了他们一纸Demo唱片合约而他们两人经过一个月的考虑后同意签约。
接着这段时间红极一时的电音团体Book Of Love(当时Book Of Love是非常有名的舞曲组合"Pretty Boys And Pretty Girls"就是其代表作)成员Ted Ottaviano帮助他们录制三首新歌而这三首歌收录于已发行的EP The Rejection。其实"The Rejection"具有独特的致命吸引力,主唱性感低沉的嗓音与黑暗的电音旋律,让人不自觉就会掉入他们的音乐陷阱中。不仅如此他们的现场表演更获乐迷回响,主要原因不只是他们的音乐独特、好听,如果你有看到他们在各大Pub现场演唱,相信会因为其表演的气氛、爆发力与魅力,更加爱上Dangerous Muse与他们的音乐。
他们首支单曲"The Rejection"的MV最早于MTV的旗下媒体LOGO网站抢先曝光,大家都被他们俊美的外表与魅力给吸引,但这似乎不是他们希望乐迷注意的焦点。此外新歌"Give Me Danger"已能于官网试听,这首歌的节奏比"The Rejection"更加强烈。
by James Christopher Monger
New York City electro-dance-art rock duo Dangerous Muse formed after a chance meeting between vocalist Mike Furey and programmer/keyboardist Tom Napack after being cast in the Who's Tommy. Their shared penchant for drama and dance produced a track called "Rejection" that found its way into the ears of legendary music guru Seymour Stein, who promptly signed the pair to a three-song demo deal at Sire. The newly minted Dangerous Muse went into the studio, recorded their three tunes, and promptly signed a record deal with Cordless, an electronic imprint of Warner Music Group. They released the Rejection EP and its accompanying video in 2005, followed by a collection of remixes in 2006.