


#葡萄牙 | 法朵


出生於1972年的克莉丝提娜˙布兰柯(Cristina Branco)是目前葡萄牙境内最炙手可热的女歌手,从小就对各式音乐感到兴趣,举凡是流行、民谣或爵士,都是她涉及的领域,但她钟爱的还是来自家乡的「Fado」。  乐评家赞赏她为「Fado新声」,认为她将『Fado』中最原始最美的地方完全地保留下来,并且用现代的编曲给予这这歌曲美丽的外衣,加上克莉丝提娜富有生命力的歌声,为传统与现代搭起了最好的沟通桥梁,于是轻轻松松地捕获了新生代乐迷传统音乐支持者的心,成为了葡萄牙境内家喻户晓的女歌手。

By rights, Cristina Branco shouldn't sing the urban Portuguese song form called fado. The genre, whose name translates as 'fate,' has its history in Lisbon, a enigmatic, poetic, working-class style about accepting the lot life and love has dealt. But Branco, who grew up in rural Almeirim, Portugal, has established herself as one of the country's foremost fadistas, with a growing international reputation. Born in 1972, she grew up listening to blues, jazz, and music from around the globe. Although she sang for her friends and family, she had no aspirations to make a living from her voice. At 18, she began college, studying social communications, and it was there she experienced her moment of epiphany. One night a friend played her a record by the late Amália Rodrigues, Portugal's greatest fado singer, and she was hooked on the music, with a burning desire to perform it herself. Still, she didn't dive headlong into a musical career. While continuing her studies, she began singing semi-professionally. It wasn't until 1996, at the age of 24, that she recorded her first album, the live Cristina Branco in Holland. It was an unusual move for an artist who was unknown, even in her own country, but it helped establish her, and lay the groundwork for her first studio album. Released internationally in 1999, Murmúrios found her collaborating with acclaimed fado guitarist Custódio Castelo, a partnership that has continued. 2000 saw her issue a special cultural project, Cristina Branca Canta Slauerhoff, with the words of Dutch poet J. Slauerhoff set to music by Castelo, although the record was only released in Europe. It was followed in 2001 by her "real" second album, Post-Scriptum, which saw her further refining the fadista's art of sorrow, pain, and joy.
