


#新民谣 #黑暗民谣
Lithuania 立陶宛


Romowe Rikoito是来自立陶宛的传统新民团体,成立于1996年。以Johnny Kratong为灵魂,基本固定在五人,包括了新民所传统的乐器长笛、提琴等等。Romowe Rikoito以东普鲁士(立陶宛的默麦尔地区,及俄罗斯的哥尼斯堡,南部为波兰的瓦尔米亚-马祖尔省)文化为创作灵感,所以就不难解释为何他们的风格倾向于德意厂牌的新民风格。其中2000年专辑L'Automne Éternel中Weilawei也曾被收入在新民圣经Looking For Europe。Austradeiwa是其第三张专辑,也是离现在最近的一张专辑了。整张专辑淡雅忧伤(破锣加仙音也是流行),大小提琴比例很大,有种文艺复兴时浪漫感觉(如果没猜错专辑封面的雕刻也是那时的作品吧?惭愧,对文艺方面半文盲状态,还请懂行的指教)。2005年发行在意大利厂牌Ars Benevola Mater,这也是亲中欧的厂牌。

Romowe Rikoito is a band of Dark Folk in the most neoclassical slope in the genre, not in vain they have flute, piano, violin and violonchelo accompanying to the traditional acoustic guitars and voices. However, there is not percussion of any type like it is frequent in bands of the genre of more martial character. There is not electronic programming, with the exception of some extracted sounds of field, of birds in the forest or similar things, so one cannot speak that there is an electronic section or of programming in the music, it is purely acoustic. The tendency of the songs is very bucolic, with an air of love toward the forest and the nature, it is not a cheerful music, rather parsimonious and caressing, incites more to the view than to the dance, it is reflexive. This is due to the specific weight of the violonchelo-in charge of Anny-and of the violin-executed by Elena-taken to the melancholic land where they are very productive. But the compositions are beautiful and very elaborated when having many musical elements. The voices also contribute to this atmosphere, that of Niktorius-the leader of the band-it is serious and grief-stricken, sometimes accompanied to choir for Julia's voice that underlies as the call of the nymphs, very ethereal. Of not being for the guitars folkie of Johnny and Niktorius, it would be practical and simply a neoclassical group.

