


#青少年流行 #流行舞曲
United States of America 美国


可爱金色的卷发和甜美的笑容,她就是《High School Musical》中Sharpay的扮演者Ashley Tisdale。阿什丽·提斯代尔1985年7月2日出生在美国新泽西州的蒙默斯县 (Monmouth),年长四岁的姐姐Jennifer Tisdale 也是一位演员。她们是金厨刀具(Ginsu Knives)开发者Arnold Morris 的外孙女,也是商界名人Ronald Popeil 的堂妹。由于母亲方的血统,阿什丽认为自己是一名犹太人,曾在当地犹太社区中心剧团出演过《Gypsy》、《音乐之声》、《Annie Warbucks》等剧。艾希莉三岁便在一家商场被经纪人Bill Perlman 发掘,12岁便曾在白宫进行过歌唱演出,同林赛·罗韩、米莎·巴顿等人曾为同一个时期福特公司旗下的儿童模特。

90年代当中,阿什莉亮相过《Smart Guy》、《七重天》、《Grounded for Life》、《高校风云》、《Strong Medicine》、《圣女魔咒》、《飞越比佛利》等多部电视剧,2001年CULT经典电影《死亡幻觉》中也有她的一个小角色,此外还是《阿曼达秀》的嘉宾演员,情景喜剧《The Hughleys》、《Still Standing》的固定演员等。2002年她拍摄了一则令人印象深刻的糖果品牌“Fruit Gushers”的广告,还分别和凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯、“阳光小美女”阿比盖尔·布兰斯林共同出演过T-Mobile和Toys r Us的电视广告。

之后她参加迪斯尼儿童剧集《查克和寇弟的顶级生活》的试镜,在富家女London Tipton 和聪明热情的打工女孩Maddie Fitzpatrick 的角色中得到了后者,这部受欢迎的剧集让她同主角斯普拉尔斯双胞胎(Sprouse)以及布兰达·宋(Brenda Song)都成为的迪斯尼童星。

接下来,阿什丽又为迪斯尼原创电影《歌舞青春》温柔的女主角盖碧瑞拉试镜,但由于声音听起来更具坏女孩的味道而得到了女二号Sharpay Evans 的角色,片中角色本身的高傲无礼同阿什丽活泼可爱的一颦一笑交相辉映。

在《歌舞青春》中,阿什丽亲自演唱了多首歌曲,其中三首进入了美国Billboard榜单的前一百名,《What I've Been Looking For》、《Bop to the Top》也让阿什丽·提斯代尔成为第一位两首出道歌曲同时上榜的女歌手。

2007年2月6日,阿什丽发表了首张专辑《Headstrong》,共售出64,000份,同时她还被音乐杂志《Blender》推为流行音乐R&B界“Hottest Woman”的第二名,得到的评价是“天使般的嗓音和耀眼的人格魅力,而且拥有那种非常稀少的听众缘:数百万的青少年都在翘首以待她的出道专辑。”

2008年,阿什丽发表了一张单曲《OMG!Degree Girl》,在其中以更加成熟的唱功翻唱了经典歌曲。  2009年6月,阿什丽的最新专辑《Guilty Pleasure》横空出世。第一主打《It's Alright,It's OK》在2009年4月率先发行。

2010年9月,阿什丽参演了电视剧《地狱猫》Savannah Munroe 一角。


Best known for her roles as Sharpay Evans in the remarkably popular Disney Channel movie High School Musical and Maddie Fitzpatrick in the series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, New Jersey-born actress/singer/model Ashley Tisdale began her career in show business at age three, and sang for President Bill Clinton at age 12. Manager Bill Perlman discovered her in a New Jersey mall and sent Tisdale on auditions for commercials; she ended up appearing in over 100 national network TV ads. She began a theatrical career as well, performing in productions of The Sound of Music and Gypsy: A Musical Fable at the Jewish Community Center of Monmouth County. A leading role in a national touring production of Les Miserables and a role in an international touring production of Annie followed. In the late '90s and early 2000s, Tisdale moved into TV and film work, appearing on shows such as Beverly Hills, 90210, The George Lopez Show, Malcolm in the Middle, and The Hughleys and the movie Donnie Darko before landing the role of babysitter Maddie Fitzpatrick on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody in 2004. The show's popularity made her a fixture on the Disney Channel, leading to appearances on Hannah Montana and her 2006 breakout role as High School Musical's Sharpay Evans. The massive popularity of the TV movie's soundtrack meant that Tisdale became the first female artist to debut with two songs, "Bop to the Top" and "What I've Been Looking For," on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at the same time. Along with lending her voice to the animated series Phineas and Ferb, in 2006 Tisdale recorded her solo debut album and released the first single from it, He Said She Said, late that year. Early in 2007, the album Headstrong, and a second single, Be Good to Me, arrived. Tisdale appeared in the High School Musical sequel later that year.

