


United States of America 美国


初听很像八零年代的后庞克,但继续听下去,却又从里面可以找到许多六零年代的元素,从Crystal Stilts里可以听到Joy Division的残响,也可以闻到Velvet underground的些许味道,尽管有着其他前辈的影子在,却不会影响对Crystal Stilts的辨识度。

Formed in New York in 2003 by Brad Hargett and JB Townshend, the Crystal Stilts were a multi-influenced indie rock band that released its first work -- some singles and an EP -- in 2004 on the Feathery Tongue label. The first single, "Shattered Shine," was followed by a series of local shows, and after an EP -- all eventually collected in one place on the self-titled full-length 2008 release -- added Kyle Forrester on keyboards (for live gigs, anyway) and Andy Adler to take on bass duties. Finally, the group nailed down a drummer -- Frankie Rose -- shortly thereafter.

Nature Noir sees The Stilts honing in on their various affinities at once. Simulcast from different pools of the past, bridging and expanding their intensive tastes in Soul, Folk, Psych, Country, Proto-punk and onward, it's apparent that their new formulary is more subtle and fully realized than ever. Like any creation worth loving, it's the quality of the ingredients and the unique perspective lenses of the creators that produce a marvel such as this.  Pleasingly distilled in celestial darkness, floating in a sea of color drenched dreams, and grounded in protean mythology, Crystal Stilts third LP sounds refreshingly bold and deep rooted within the current musical climate.

With lyrical themes probing the dark connections between the individual and its environment, along with the shadowy interdependence of nature and man, the album strikes a more emotional chord than records past. Where Alight of Night and In Love With Oblivion reveled in a place of spaced-out awe, Nature Noir reaches forth with a very human yearning.  Unmasked, refined and lush, Crystal Stilts here hint at freeform experimentation whilst holding on to their classic heritage. Retro fitted and forward committed, this is a record whose presence should be welcomed in your collection.

Crystal Stilts formed in 2003 in New York City by Brad Hargett (vocals) and JB Townsend (guitar) and are currently joined by Andy Adler (bass), Keegan Cooke (drums), Kyle Forester (keys)
