


France 法国



出生于法国西南部的 Stephane Pompougnac,音乐事业开始于 The Palace 与 Queen 两家传奇夜店。紧接着在另一著名舞场 Bains Douches 担任驻场时,他那广泛吸收英美流行音乐精华并烘托法国典雅气息的打碟风格,很快地在当时众多的 DJ 新星中脱颖而出,并得到改变他一生的伯乐 ~ Jean-Louis Costes ~ 也就是 Hotel Costes 的创办人的赏识,邀请他来到巴黎,为这家五星级旅店规划出独一无二的音乐化环境。

十年前,Stephane Pompougnac突然有个念头,想把平时他驻场于Hotel Costes会客厅所播放的音乐,拣选成一份足以描绘此地气氛,并代表他个人播放品味的合辑。这张以「Hotel Costes」相同名字出版的年度音乐精选,在1999年为往后众家唱片公司竞相出版的沙发音乐合辑提供了一个崭新的标准,将电子、爵士、灵魂、世界、经典轻松听等音乐型态重新融合出兼具派对与起居室聆听性格的全新种类。全球许多亲临Hotel Costes的朋友更一致认为,Stephane Pompougnac对于以音符掌握现场气氛的功力,让他们一生难忘!经历了多张年度辑选与一张精选的洗礼,无论是Pompougnac或是乐迷,都在这套已成为经典的系列中展现出对Lounge Tunes更为广阔多变、并且品味益发精良的水平。

从DJ到制作人,Stephane Pompougnac一路走来,对于「用好音乐满足乐迷」的热情也从未衰减。他的个人专辑《Hello Mademoiselle》甫出版不久便获得Amazon等网站消费者群的五星推荐,融合摇滚、民族、电子的多元风格亦是其音乐生涯中的重大突破。也因此2007年第十张《Hotel Costes 10》的风格走向也成了众人关注的焦点!此次Stephane Pompougnac选择了老牌Aicd/ Nu-Jazz乐团De Phazz、由两位法国舞曲DJ/制作:DJ BNX以及David Walters组成的Zimpala、以及他与好友Charles Schillings所制作的全新曲目,串联成洋溢新爵士自由即兴、电子乐灵动节奏,以及掺杂着复古流行曲调与丝丝民族与摇滚情调的美妙听觉旅程!另外像是德国Downtempo团体Deep Dive Corp.让人耳朵一亮,满载电子民谣气息的Little Ditty,以及丹麦电音双人组Laidback最新单曲〈Happy Dreamer〉所呈现的俏皮与轻松,必定让喜爱Hotel Costes的乐迷大呼过瘾。

2007年发行专辑《Hello Mademoiselle》。

2014年发行专辑《Bloody French》。

Stéphane Pompougnac (born 1968) is a French house DJ and record producer.

Pompougnac was born in Paris to a psychotherapist and a dental surgeon. He spent his early life in Bordeaux.

His first job was as a waiter at the courtyard café of Hôtel Costes in Paris' Les Halles district, but his DJ debut occurred when he was 18, at such Bordeaux discothèques as Ubu, The Colony, and The Dream.

After finishing his studies and national service, Pompougnac spent six months in London before returning to Paris in 1992. In Paris he mixed at such discothèques as Queen, Folies Pigalle, The Locomotive, Diable des Lombards, and Privilège. One year later, he became the resident DJ at Les Bains et Douche, where he met Claude Challe. Reportedly, in 1997 Albert de Paname introduced Pompougnac to Jean-Louis Costes, co-owner of Hôtel Costes, where Pompougnac had worked as a waiter some ten years prior. This time, Costes hired Pompougnac to be the hotel's resident DJ. In 1999, Pompougnac published his first studio mix, Costes: France et Choiseul.

Pompougnac's second studio mix, Costes: La Suite outsold his previous release. After the mix's third track, "Sympatique" by Pink Martini, was used for an auto advertisement in France, Costes: La Suite sold more than 100,000 copies. Although Pompougnac published first two albums in France via Barclay Universal, his mounting success led to a contract with MSI, who published his third studio mix, Etage 3 (October 2000). His first three mixes collectively sold nearly half a million copies.

Pompougnac has published more than 20 studio mixes, and also DJs for the fashion award show Les Venues de la Mode. He has also performed for fashion shows by Gucci and Yves Saint-Laurent.

Studio albums

Living on the Edge (2003)

Hello Mademoiselle (2007)

Bloody French (2014)

DJ mixes

Hôtel Costes series

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 1: Café Costes (1999)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 2: La suite (1999)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 3: Étage 3 (2000)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 4: Quatre (2001)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 5: Cinq (2002)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 6 (2003)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 7: Sept (2004)

Hôtel Costes, Best of Costes (2005)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 8 (2005)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 9 (2006)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 10 (2007)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 11 (2008)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 12 (2009)

Hôtel Costes, A Decade: 1999–2009 (2009)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 14 (2010)

Hôtel Costes, Vol. 15 (2011)

Other mix albums

Saks Fifth Avenue (2002), mixed for Saks Fifth Avenue

The Concorde Lounge: Supersonic Jet Set Love (2003), mixed for Japanese magazine Casa Brutus

Sparkling Moments: Tokyo/Paris (2005), mixed for Perrier

STARFLYER (2007), mixed for StarFlyer

Night & Day (2011)

