


#重金属 #哥特金属
Sweden 瑞典



Beseech是一支来自瑞典的极端金属乐队,成立于1992年,在成立之初他们也是地下金属音乐界的一员。1994年,他们为一家比利时公司——Shiver records所出的极端音乐合集《Sometimes Death Is Better》录制了一首歌曲。这首歌曲让Beseech的能力得到了很多国家的地下金属势力的重视和认可。

1998年的4月,Beseech的第一张专辑《...from a bleeding heart》(《来自流血的心…》)终于在世界范围内发行,而这张专辑是从1995年底开始策划和录制的。 《...from a bleeding heart》平和淡雅的曲风就象是一阵清新的风,让很多极端金属歌迷的眼前为之一亮。这张专辑的成功,让Beseech兴奋异常,当时的成员包括Klas Bohlin(rhythm guitar)、Robert Spanglund(lead guitar)、Mikael Back(keyboard)以及Jorgen Sjoberg(vocals)。

2000年的6月,《Black emotions》正式发行,各大音乐媒体是好评如潮。Beseech从这张专辑中选取了三首精品"Manmade dreams"、"Neon Ocean"和"Lunar Eclipse") 作为恐怖电影《Alien Agenda 5 - Alien Conspirecy》的原声音乐。

2001年伊始, beseech开始了一次大规模的欧洲巡演,在这次巡演结束之后不久, 主唱Jorgen Sjoberg由于个人生活上的原因离开了乐队,Beseech不得不为寻找这个重要位置的填补者而忙碌。终于,他们遇到了Erik Molarin,一位有着出色的演唱天赋的歌手,他的加入为Beseech的作品增添了很多新的感觉,不仅如此,他和那位女声歌手Lotta的合作也是珠联璧合。

2002年年初,Beseech更换了新东家。与此同时,beseech再次进入录音室,打造他们的新作《Souls highway》(《灵魂高速路》)。这张专辑发行后,从众多的评论尽皆溢美之词,专辑的水准相当高。

The flamboyantly dressed Swedish quintet Beseech delves in what they like to call

"symphonic goth metal" -- a mixture of doom, death, and, well, symphonic and gothic elements which, if it doesn't always makes sense, rarely fails to surprise. Jorgen Sjoberg (vocals), Robert Spanglund (lead guitar), Klas Bohlin (rhythm guitar), Andreas Wiik (bass), and Morgan Gredaker (drums) aren't afraid to utilize unexpected instruments such as violins and flutes to enhance their unique style, which they began developing in 1992. Over the course of six years and three increasingly confident demos, the group fully embraced their unorthodox aural mélange and grandiose lyrical schemes (and Baroque stage clothes) before signing with Metal Blade and releasing 1998's From a Bleeding Heart. The album received mostly positive reviews and also featured keyboard player Mikael Andersson and his wife, soprano Anna Andersson. Her replacement, Lotta Hogin, performed with the band on their second album, 2000's Black Emotions (released by Pavement Music), and longtime frontman Sjoberg was replaced by Erik Molarin for 2002's Souls Highway.

