


Moldova, Republic of 摩尔多瓦



外 文 名 Cleopatra Stratan

国    籍 罗马尼亚

出生日期 2002年10月6日

职    业 歌手

代表作品 La varsta de 3 ani(我的三岁)


cleopatra stratan 是一个罗马尼亚3岁的小歌手(现14岁)。她的爸爸是罗马尼亚知名的歌手Pavel Stratan,2006年8月20日发行的专辑《La varsta de 3 ani》。

来自罗马尼亚的小女孩。Cleopatra Stratan出生于2002年10月6日,是歌手Pavel Stratan的女儿.有一天Pavel在录音室录音,只有3岁的Cleo 闲来无事,抢过麦克风大唱特唱起来!Pavel震惊了,觉得小女儿很有歌唱天分,于是萌发了给她专门灌制一张专辑的念头,于是处女作专辑《La varsta de 3 ani》便诞生了,其中如Noapte buna,Ghita等单曲在罗语地区很受欢迎。

Cleopatra刚过完三岁生日没多久,在布加勒斯特诺塔拉剧院举行独唱音乐会,整整唱两个小时。在听众达4000人之多的演唱会上,小女孩作了简短的自我介绍:“我叫克利奥帕特拉• 斯特拉坦。虽然我只有三岁,但我还是下决心为大家演唱我会唱的童谣和我的歌集《三岁童谣曲》。”演唱会结束后,许多听众表示对小女孩的毅力和记忆力感到吃惊。有的观众说,这场演唱会应该申报吉尼斯世界纪录。Cleopatra Stratan她也因此成为最年轻出唱片的歌手。


在发现Cleopatra的音乐天份及歌唱才华后,Pavel兴致勃勃地帮小女儿继续录制其他首歌曲,成就这么一张闻名全球的出道专辑的“La varsta de 3 ani/我的三岁” ,并且举办了许多场个人演唱会。在布加勒斯特诺塔拉剧院所举办的个人演唱会上,超过4000位观众的面前,Cleopatra一共演唱了20首歌曲,选自自己与父亲的作品,父亲用吉他轻轻守护小Cleopatra尽情欢唱,开场前还做了一段简短可爱的自我介绍: “我叫Cleopatra克莉欧佩特拉。斯特拉坦,虽然我只有三岁,但我还是下定决心唱我会的童谣和我的专辑“我的三岁”给大家听! “演唱会持续2个小时之久,不禁让人对小小歌后惊人的记忆力与毅力感到深深惊艳不已!


Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002) is a Moldovan singer, the youngest person ever to score commercial success, with her 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3"). She descended from the Ancient Egypt queen Cleopatra. She holds the record for the highest paid young artist, the youngest artist to receive an MTV award and the youngest artist to score a No.1 hit in a country ("Ghiţă" in Romanian Singles Chart).As of late 2011, Cleopatra and her family have relocated and are living in Pipera in the capital of Romania, Bucharest.

Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song with three-year-old Cleopatra hanging around. Impulsively, she grabbed a microphone and started singing along with Pavel. Everybody was stunned so they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra performing the lead vocals, and suggested that as she is younger than Shirley Temple, she should be included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever to perform on stage and record her own album. Some of her songs have already been translated into English and Spanish.La vârsta de 3 ani and a Ghiţă maxi-single were also released in Japan. La vârsta de trei ani ("At the age of 3") was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006 for selling more than 150,000 albums in Romania. In December 2006, her father announced that until the next album is released, she would no longer sing publicly.

As of December 2006, Cleopatra's biggest hit is the song "Ghiţă".

In 2008, Cleopatra released her second album called La Varsta De 5 Ani with the hit song "Zunea-Zunea". On December 13, 2008, her brother, Cezar (named by Cleopatra) was born. In the autumn of 2009, she released her third album Colinde magice, covering Romanian traditional Christmas carols, colinde, as a special Christmas album. After three years, in 2012, Cleopatra released her fourth full-length studio album, Melodii Pentru Copii, but without the success she had with the past three albums.

