


Australia 澳大利亚



来自澳洲悉尼的Alex Lloyd,在父亲指引下,对于音乐展开他人生新体验,从Beatles的歌曲开始练习,对于正步入青少年时期的Alex,完全释放苦学的音乐才华在舞会中、在人来人往的街头上,把握任何场合机会尽情演出,训练自己的胆量并不时改进学习中的缺失。直到加入Indie乐队Mother Hubbard担任主唱一职,才开始受人注目,没多久Alex转移目标醉心于电子音乐的领域,然而Mother Hubbard其他团员也鼓励Alex多方尝试,甚至单飞推出个人专辑。1999年Alex如愿以偿的发行处女作《Black The Sun》,虽然当时并无引起太大的骚动,但是到了2001年再次推出第二张作品《Watching Angels Mend》,一举突破双白金销售量,接连数首单曲打入流行榜,成为澳洲最为耀眼的新秀之一!

Even years after its release in July 1999, Alex Lloyd's highly experimental first album was still one of the most talked about and respected Australian albums. The album itself was nearly two years in the making.

Alex Lloyd was introduced to music courtesy of his father's beat-up, old guitar and the sessions that father and son spent working their way through a Beatles songbook (Lloyd preferred the group's latter, more studio-oriented stuff). His teenage years were spent playing at every opportunity: in the bedroom, at parties, and on the streets of the Sydney suburb of Balmain. Eventually, he was noticed as the lead singer of Sydney indie band Mother Hubbard, who was popular for their live performances and achieved some degree of success on record.

After one Mother Hubbard album, Lloyd wanted to take a major musical shift toward more of a technology-based sound. The members agreed to differ about the direction Lloyd wanted to take, leaving the singer to record the songs he had written for the next album as a solo, instead of a group, album. It also allowed him to throw himself much deeper into that technology than he might have if he'd still been recording with Mother Hubbard. The more he worked on the songs, the further he moved from the album he had initially imagined.

Demo sessions started in early 1997 in tiny studios around Sydney's inner west. He might spend a month on a song trying to come up with the perfect balance between technology and traditional instruments and, having found that balance, start on the song all over again. Recording sessions proper began in early 1998. Halfway through, Lloyd was invited to attend Miles Copeland's legendary songwriting workshop at a medieval French castle. Lloyd was in two minds about going; halfway through his album he didn't want to suddenly be swayed by other people's songwriting methods. Despite his reservations, he attended, and the experience showed him that he'd been working on his own for too long (a year writing and another year recording). He decided to finish the album in Santa Monica, CA, with former Psychedelic Fur and now producer Ed Buller (Pulp, Suede).

The end result of all of Lloyd's efforts was Black the Sun, an innovative, highly contemporary album, deftly balancing the songs with musical experimentation. Lloyd supported the album with live performances, determined to display the songs as songs rather than studio creations. A year after its release, Black the Sun was still raising eyebrows, still winning fans, and earned Alex Lloyd a belated Australian Recording Industry Association award for Best Male Artist on the basis of one of the singles, as well as gaining release and glowing reviews outside of Australia. Lloyd returned with his highly awaited second album, Watching Angels Mend, in 2002 along with several singles, including "Green," "Amazing," and "Everybody's Laughing."
