中 文 名 手稿乐队
外 文 名 The Script
别 名 手稿乐队
国 籍 爱尔兰
民 族 爱尔兰族
出 生 地 爱尔兰都柏林
职 业 摇滚乐队
经纪公司 Sony Music Entertainment
代表作品 《Superheroes》、《The Man Who Can't Be Moved》、《Hall Of Fame》
主要成就 2009年荣获欧盟突破国界音乐奖
主 唱 Danny O'Donoghue
吉 他 手 Mark Sheehan
鼓 手 Glen Power
活跃年代 2001年至今
音乐风格 流行摇滚,电子摇滚,另类摇滚
手稿乐队(The Script)保有U2、The Cranberries的摇滚风格,散发The Corrs的流行步调、Clannad的民谣曲式。
他们的首支单曲《We Cry》于2008年4月由Phonogenic / SonyBMG发行,登上了爱尔兰单曲榜第9位、英国单曲榜前二十。第二支单曲《The Man Who Can't Be Moved》于7月发行,进入了爱尔兰单曲榜、英国单曲榜前三。他们的首张同名专辑《The Script》于8月8日在爱尔兰发行,随后于8月11日在英国发行,在该周的英国流行音乐专辑榜当中,这张《The Script》首周上榜,空降冠军宝座,为他们以后在英国的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 The Script将自身音乐风格描述为“全新的凯尔特灵魂乐,融合了Hip-Hop化的歌词与悦耳的流行旋律,精致的具有摇滚力度的R&B式制作,现代派演绎下的传统歌曲结构”(他们称之为“Celtic Soul”)。
The Script是一支三人摇滚乐队,成员包括主唱Danny O'Donoghue(生于1980.10.3)、光头吉他手Mark Sheehan、鼓手Glen Power。但颇令人迷惑的是,单从曲风上来说,The Script的音乐听起来不太像爱尔兰摇滚,反而美国的味道更浓一些。原来The Script三位成员的其中两位,Mark与Danny在青少年时期就在都柏林的詹姆士街区相识,两人均对美国黑人音乐情有独钟。而且Danny O'Donoghue和Mark Sheehan在乐队还未成立之前,就由于他们在录音室出众的制作才能而被邀请到美国LA去和R%26amp;B的巨头如Rodney Jerkins、Dallas Austin等著名音乐人一起工作。
在这段经历之后,The Script把R&B、Soul等黑人音乐调和到他们的音乐中,像来自LA的Maroon5那样迷上了节奏感十足、让人精神爽利的新灵魂流行摇滚,就连主唱Danny的唱腔、声线也跟Maroon 5的主唱Adam有八分相似。然而音乐的外壳只是表象,The Script与生俱来地继续了U2等老一辈爱尔兰音乐人的摇滚精神,把反战、反思批判社会弊端、宣扬人道主义、倡导爱与和平等作为音乐的内容主题,在爽朗流畅、易入耳的音乐外壳输送下,这些理念反而更轻易感染并影响乐迷,比起沉重的说教更有效果。融合Hip-Hop节拍的《We Cry》首先拉开序幕,叙述人世苦难的歌词在轻快畅达的节奏下像是连发子弹般击中听者的内心并令人动容;《Talk You Down》中Danny布满悲怆及人文关怀的演绎,听起来也有几分Bono的影子;清淡原音吉他相伴下的《I'm Yours》则缓缓渲染出深情凄美的意境。
2009年7月发行录音室专辑《Before The Worst》。
2010年5月发行现场专辑《iTunes Session》。9月发行录音室专辑《Science & Faith》。
2011年7月发行现场专辑《iTunes Festival: London 2011》。
2012年9月发行录音室专辑《Hall of Fame》和《#3》。
2014年9月发行录音室专辑《No Sound Without Silence》。
2015年9月开启 No Sound Without Silence 世界巡演。
The Script is an Irish pop rock band formed in 2001 in Dublin, Ireland. The band comprises keyboardist and lead vocalist Danny O'Donoghue, guitarist and vocalist Mark Sheehan and drummer Glen Power. Based in London after signing to Sony Label Group imprint Phonogenic, the band released its eponymous debut album, The Script, in August 2008, featuring the hit songs "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" and "Breakeven (Falling to Pieces)". The album peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK. Their next three albums, ‘Science & Faith’ (2010), ‘#3’ (2012) and ‘No Sound Without Silence’ (2014), all topped the album charts in Ireland and the UK, while ‘Science & Faith’ reached number three in the US. Hit singles from the albums include "For the First Time", "Nothing", "Hall of Fame" and "Superheroes".
The Script's music has been featured in popular television programmes such as ‘90210’, ‘Ghost Whisperer’, ‘The Hills’, ‘Waterloo Road’, ‘EastEnders’, ‘Made in Chelsea’ and ‘The Vampire Diaries’. Frontman Danny O'Donoghue was also a coach on The Voice UK for seasons 1 and 2, before leaving the show in order to focus more on the band. The band has won three Meteor Ireland Music Awards, two World Music Awards and have received two Brit Award nominations.
The band's fourth studio album was titled ‘No Sound Without Silence’ and the lead single from the album, "Superheroes", was released on 31 July 2014. The album has been described by O'Donoghue as a prequel to their debut album, with many of the songs being recorded on the road, after playing to sold out arenas. On the recording process, Danny O’Donoghue stated, "We’d come off stage and start recording straight away in a studio bus. Everything’s massive, everything’s larger than life on stage so when we hit the studio we wanted it to have that same impact." The album was released on 15 September 2014.
They started No Sound Without Silence World Tour on September 2015.
The band performed in Lebanon in July 15,2016.