说到这位来自底特律的饶舌新悍将Royce Da 59”,就不免让人联想起一堆相关名单:常被人误认,有着一付酷似LL Cool J的外貌;帮腔助势於喷火小辣妹Willa Ford成名单曲”I Wanna Be Bad”中;深受超级名制作人DJ Premier的赏赐爱戴;更是现今红透半边天的饶舌白人坏小子阿姆的工作好伙伴;曾与Dr. Dre、Method Man等狠角色相互飙歌….这些虽让Royce尚未正式出道,却早已引起各界极度关切与好评赞誉!前途在一片看好声中推出个人第一张专辑”Rock City”,准备摇醒你沉睡已久的听觉….首支主攻同名单曲”Rock City”,请来他多年好友Eminem助阵,呈献些许阿姆的音乐风格,是首亮眼的排行劲曲,更是喜爱阿姆的乐迷们必收藏之作;精采加入超级嘻哈团体The Neptunes,并身兼制作人的当红炸子鸡Pharrel Williams,由DJ Premier重新混音的成名之作”Boom”,超值加收其中!巧妙取样BarbraStreisand动人畅销作”Woman In Love”的”Life”,邀来美声R&B新星Amerie感性演出,是首相当优质的抒情小品!
Whenever anyone mentions the name of Detroit rapper Royce Da 5'9," a whole list of other names surround it. First, people mention his passing resemblance to LL Cool J. Others might know him as the guy who teamed up with teen singer Willa Ford on her 2001 hit "I Wanna Be Bad." He is also known as the rapper who got a major boost from legendary producer DJ Premier, who produced his 2000 hit "Boom." Mostly, though, people associate him with Eminem. The pair have rolled together since their early days in Detroit and have worked together on several occasions. With the release of his 2002 album, Rock City, Royce Da 5'9" hopes to finally make a name for himself.