2002 Kult was born from the hands of Kacele (Guitars) and Werewolf (Vocals) with the only purpose to play raw old school Black-Metal.
2003 The band start to play live in Italy and Switzerland and record the first and oly demo &Total Devastation&, released by Ewiger Hass Prod. (Fra).
2006 Kult record their debut full-length album called &Winds Of War&, released by Debemur Morti (Fra) in early 2007. 2007 The band tours eastern-central europe playing some small tours and big festivals.
2008 After some problems of line-up the band starts to work on some new songs... 1 of them will be featured on EP with The Stone (Srb) and in early 2009.
2013 Werewolf left the band and been replaced by Tumulash on vocals, the band complete the songwriting of the new album and record it in the Beastcave Studio. The new album &Unleashed From Dismal Light& will be released in October by the cult german label Folter Records.
流派:Black Metal
Tumulash - Vocals
Kacele - Guitars & music
D.White - Bass
Thorns - Drums