


#氛围黑金属 #自杀黑金属 #自赏黑
United States of America 美国


&The music is able to touch the deepest chords our our soul and destroy every single grain of hope.&-Aristocrazia

Lamentations of the Ashen is a solo project of US musician Bon Vincent Fry. While prior recordings were primarily depressive black metal, &EKIMMV& is an entirely different beast. &EKIMMV& still maintains the band's black metal roots, but adds in elements of drone, doom, shoe-gaze and post-rock elements. The whole of the parts makes for an absolutely mesmerizing experience that is no less than epic in scope.

Originally released in 2011 as a digital download, EKIMMV has recently been put out on cassette by Contaminated Tones Productions.

Every song on this album is a dark majestic voyage to a universe where the evil thoughts of others are murdered by our protective black dragons-Cvlt Nation
