


#流行摇滚 #网络流行 #当代唱作人
United States of America 美国


Alex Goot(Alex Goot),Alex Goot, 一位来自美国纽约的流行摇滚兼Acoustic乐队成员的歌手。Alex Goot非常多才多艺, 年仅 21岁的年纪,没有经过正规的训练,他创作音乐中的每一个环节无论是演唱, 鼓手,吉他, 键音, 录制合成等都是他自己一个人包办,五项全能,无一不精。2004年, 16岁的时候, Alex Goot开始了自己的音乐生涯。不但如此,他还有极佳的创作能力,在他家的地下室里录制了许多作品,至今已发行1张创作专辑及7张单曲。2008年, Alex Goot发行了首张专辑"Arranged Noise". 这张专辑很自然地引来了很多那些喜爱流行摇滚加钢琴伴奏风格歌曲的音乐爱好者的关注。2010上半年,Alex Goot开始录制一些翻唱歌曲,也做成影片放在youtube上,人气不断攀升,2010年发行翻唱专辑《Songs I Wish I Wrote》。这些热门金曲经过Alex Goot全新的编曲再加上Alex Goot颇具个人特色的唱调, 听起来别有一番韵味。尤其他在唱歌时候,眉毛颇具特色,被歌迷戏称“眉毛帝”。


他近期发表的个人原创歌曲有《Secret Girl》《Lightning》《Pretty Eyes》《Sensitivity》《breathless》等。


Goot began recording music in 2004 at the age of 16 and since then has gained popularity from his profiles on various social network sites, as well as his own website, from which he distributes some of his music and provides news and regular updates.His time is almost all spent in his home studio self-producing all audio and video for his releases, or touring the world.

Goot released his first studio album In Your Atmosphere,which was made possible by his fans via an extremely successful Kickstarter campaign. He is the example of celebrity in the YouTube age; self-driven, self-promoting, aside from his musicianship, relying on modern messaging and technology to get heard. His YouTube channel has about 2,000,000 subscribers and his videos have been viewed over 330 million times.His celebrity rank has fallen and he is now ranked in the 400's among subscribers and 800's in views.

According to Goot, his inspiration is to show the love he has for music. He further states that he "had no plan B".

After he recorded his music as well as videos for many years in his home studio in Poughkeepsie, he moved in early February 2015, immediately after his European tour in January 2015, to Los Angeles.

Goot has made several videos in collaboration with other artists such as We Are the In Crowd,Kurt Hugo Schneider,Megan Nicole,Sam Tsui.

Goot has released four volumes of Songs I Wish I Wrote with most of the versions of his channel on YouTube.

