

#巴西 | 全域音乐


当今拉丁美洲深受欢迎的新生代流行女歌手、在欧美与日本乐坛同时拥有众多歌迷喜爱,玛希儿(Adriana Maciel) 天生拥有一个好嗓音,不但外型姣好气质出众,更是精通多种乐器演奏、擅长于作曲与编曲,不断的尝试新的乐风融合乐曲的创作,音乐风格不只是亚洲乐迷所喜爱的Bossa Nova ,更是当今全球乐坛为之著迷、融合巴西流行与民谣风格新乐风的MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira) , 玛希儿和其他几位巴西新生代女歌手和男歌手,将新一代的MPB 成功的推广到世界各地,开创出另一波巴西音乐流行新势力! 参与多部音乐剧以及偶像剧的演出,玛希儿于1997 年开始个人演唱事业、发行首张同名专辑“Adriana Maciel” ,一推出即荣登巴西畅销排行榜、并在欧美以及日本等地大受好评,她纯真轻柔的嗓音与融合民谣流行的独特叙事风格深获全世界众多乐迷喜爱;此外,与闻名全球巴西当红男歌手瑞卡. 巴莱罗( Zeca Baleiro) 、维多. 拉米( Vitor Ramil ) 、、等人多年来的合作对唱,更是为众多乐迷所津津乐道!

Having studied music (flute/voice) at the State University of Brasília (Federal District), Adriana Maciel moved to Rio de Janeiro in the mid-'80s, where she worked in several musicals by Oswaldo Montenegro, such as Os Menestréis (as a backing vocalist and in production and lighting) and Aldeia dos Ventos (as a musician and backing vocalist). In 1995, Maciel was invited by Moacyr Góes to co-write (with Sacha Amback) and perform in his play Abelardo e Heloísa. In 1997, Maciel started to do individual appearances in Brazil, followed by Germany (at the Summer Theater Festival, Hamburg). In the same year, she had her first CD released (having had "Grama Verde," by Vítor Ramil/André Gomes included in a nationwide soap opera) and with Lenine, participated in the Seis e Meia project.