


United States of America 美国



中 文 名 塞缪尔

外 文 名 Sam Tsui

别    名 Samuel Tsui

国    籍 美国 / 英国

民    族 中国、北爱尔兰 (混血)

星    座 金牛座

出 生 地 Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, U.S.

出生日期 1989年5月2日

职    业 音乐家,主持人,制作人,YouTube知名创作人,导演

毕业院校 耶鲁大学

经纪公司 Mudhut Digital

代表作品 Michael Jackson Medley, Just a Dream, Make It Up Album,College Musical Movie

兴趣爱好 古典学,音乐,绘画,戏剧,阅读,PS


Sam Tsui(塞缪尔,Youtube)1989年5月2日出生于Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, U.S.(布鲁贝尔,宾夕法尼亚州,美国)当红网络音乐人,曾任美国NBC主持人。

因其在耶鲁大学求学期间利用业余时间,和好友Kurt Schneider运用混成技术制作一人横跨六声部Michael Jackson Medley的MV作品上传至Youtube而爆红全球网络,进而被大众所熟知。精通古典与流行音乐,哲学、绘画、戏剧、电影等各类人文艺术及科学学术研究。在耶鲁期间曾独立拍摄并主演音乐电影:College Musical。戏剧电影《Sing Along》也已在百老汇公映。2011年於加拿大为日本311大地震赈灾,举办慈善赈济募款音乐会。目前仍同好友Kurt利用业余时间,继续推出各类创意型流行音乐作品。个人首张流行乐原创专辑:《Make It Up》已於2013年5月11日正式全球发行。


Sam Tsui 出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州布鲁贝尔市,他是一个混血儿:具有中国和北爱尔兰血统,他会讲一些广东话。 其祖母曾是一位卓越的歌剧歌唱家,Sam的母亲也是一名高校音乐教授。由于这样的家庭环境,Sam自出生以来就浸润在浓厚的音乐艺术氛围中成长。Sam自小和只隔了一条街的Kurt Schneider(科特 · 施耐德)一同成长。之后又於2007年进入耶鲁大学达文波特学院(Davenport College)学习古希腊文。在耶鲁期间Sam加入了一个名为The Duke's Men of Yale (耶鲁公爵男生)该协会为耶鲁大学最著名的一个男生纯人声清唱和声乐团。Sam在耶鲁期间,积极投身歌剧、古典音乐、戏剧等丰富的经典音乐艺术活动。但Sam并非仅爱好古典音乐,其利用业余时间和好友兼同学的Kurt Schneider一起完成并创作了许多流行音乐作品。而正是这些流行音乐作品才让其在大众视野中被更多的熟知。

2009年在Michael Jackson过世之后,Sam和好友Kurt为纪念MJ而自行编创的作品:《Michael Jackson Medley》一经上传到Youtube网站,点击次数迄1日晚间已近220万余次。进而被外界所熟知,一夜爆红全球网络。两人不但成为耶鲁校园名人红遍全美各大高校,更受到了全球各地的粉丝乐迷追捧及大众传媒关注。此后,他们陆续推出各类翻唱、串烧、Mashup(糅合组曲)等创意型流行音乐作品。其中也包括Sam的部分原创类流行音乐作品。目前Sam也已在iTunes平台开设了自己的音乐作品店。截至2012年2月Kurt Schneider的Youtube官方频道已有超过200万订阅用户及525万条总评论。其中Sam之前最受欢迎的一首MV:《Just A Dream》,目前已有超过6000万人次的视听历史纪录。

2010年12月Sam为Youtube新人Christina Grimmie跨刀合作《Just A Dream》。2011年2月3日Sam翻唱自布兰妮的《Hold It Against Me》,被布兰妮本人转帖到自己官方网站上分享称赞。2011年3月Sam自己的原创单曲《Start Again》,在赫斯特出版社出版的《Seeker》一书中,由该书作者Andy Frankham-Allen提及,并给予高度评价。同年11月,Sam 以 Bruno Mars的《It Will Rain》 及Adele的《Set Fire to The Rain》两首单曲为基础混成糅合编创的《Mashup》组曲作品获得了突破1,800,000次的在线试听下载。


2012年11月17日下午2点。Sam Tsui 与好友 Kurt Schneider、Megan Nicole、Max Schneider举办了一场线上直播音乐演唱会。 在最后,还献唱了当时收录于其即将发行的个人原创首专中的原创单曲:《ME Without You》。

2012年9月, Sam Tsui 应好友:美国著名服装设计师Michael Kors的邀请,友情出席好友旗下好莱坞同名时装奢侈品牌:“Michael Kors 2012时尚之夜”暨纽约旗舰店开幕活动,担当活动嘉宾,并在现场做即兴表演。

2012年12月15日耶诞节前夕推出首张个人圣诞EP,同时发布原创新单:《Christmas Everyday》。

2013年1月29日 Sam Tsui 加入新组建的名为:Not Another Boy 男生乐团。成员还包括多位欧美流行乐坛知名音乐人:Dave Days、Tyler Ward、Chester See、以及好友Kurt Schneider。并发布首支成团翻唱单曲MV:《Kiss You》。

2013年2月应加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)之邀前往该校演讲并参与Youtube活动。同年2月18日Sam Tsui 荣获Streamy Awards音乐颁奖礼颁发的:“最佳创意线上音乐录影带奖”。并与好友Kurt在颁奖礼现场同巴巴多斯著名歌手Shontelle共同献唱其代表作《Impossible》。

2012年12月在其Youtube官方频道上宣布将由搭档好友Kurt Schneider担任制作人,灌制Sam Tsui个人首张原创流行乐专辑。

2013戏剧作品Sing Along电影在美国百老汇上映。

2013年5月11日,Sam Tsui 个人首张原创流行乐专辑《Make It Up》正式全球发行。

2013年7月~8月,Sam Tsui 协同好友Kurt Schneider及Alex Goot举行夏季全美及加拿大巡回演唱会。

2014年8月发行专辑《Bang Bang》。


2016年发行单曲《Don't Let Me Down》。

Life and career

Samuel "Sam" Tsui (born May 2, 1989) is an American singer/songwriter and video producer. He rose to fame as an internet celebrity and is known for covering songs by popular artists like Adele, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars, as well as some original songs, medleys, and mashups, along with his frequent collaborations with fellow YouTuber Kurt Hugo Schneider. As of June 22, 2016, Tsui had reached 2.5 million subscribers.

Sam Lee Tsui was born on May 2, 1989. His father has roots in Hong Kong and his mother is of European descent and hails from Iowa. He can speak some Cantonese. Tsui has a brother, Kent Kevin. Tsui grew up in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, a street away from Kurt Schneider, his producer and accompanist, with whom he attended Wissahickon High School.He was active in high school musicals, including ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, ‘Urinetown’, ‘Titanic’, and ‘Miss Saigon’. Tsui attended Yale University, where he was a member of Davenport College and The Duke's Men of Yale, an all-male a cappella group. He also majored in classical Greek at Yale University.

While studying at Yale University, Tsui continued to develop his skills as a paid soloist at Trinity Church Southport, an Episcopal church. In a recent interview with Southport-native Quinn Barry, Tsui stated that then-choirmaster Alan Murchie, well-renowned within Christian circles for his stellar work in the arts, taught him how to love music and inspired him to follow his dreams.

Tsui made his television debut on ‘ABC World News’ on October 28, 2009, singing The Jackson 5's "I'll Be There". Tsui also went on to perform on the ‘The Bonnie Hunt Show’ in November of the same year, where he was interviewed and performed Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)". He also appeared on ‘It's On with Alexa Chung’, singing Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" for the cast of American television series Glee.

Tsui also worked on his own project in 2009, where he and Kurt Schneider produced a series of episodes of ‘College Musical’, a comedy web series parodying the ‘High School Musical’ film series, with original songs composed by Schneider.Four episodes were released, with Tsui playing the lead role of Cooper. Following the popularity of the series, it was announced that a film, (released on September 3, 2014 8pm Pacific Time) would be made based on the series. The episodes garnered millions of views on YouTube.

In 2010, Tsui released his first cover album, The Covers. The album, released on February 9, 2010, features covers of hits from Michael Jackson, Journey, Beyoncé, Jason Mraz, and Lady Gaga among other artists. On February 22, 2010, Tsui appeared on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ with his producer, Kurt Schneider. The two were interviewed, and Tsui performed his medley of Michael Jackson songs. On December 2, 2010, Tsui gave an interview on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ and performed a mashup of Katy Perry's "Firework" and Bruno Mars' "Grenade" with Schneider.In December 2010, Tsui collaborated with fellow YouTube singer Christina Grimmie, singing "Just a Dream", which is the most viewed video on the YouTube channel "KurtHugoSchneider", with more than 100 million views.

In 2011, Tsui debuted his own YouTube channel, apart from his collaboration with Kurt Schneider. On February 3, 2011, Tsui was featured on Britney Spears' official website, along with his cover of "Hold It Against Me". In March 2011, Tsui, and like from his song "Start Again", were also mentioned in the novel Seeker by Andy Frankham-Allen published in print format by Hirst Publishing, and in all digital formats by Untreed Reads Publishing. His song "Worth It" was mentioned in the novel ‘Summers & Winters’ by Heather Dowell, released in ebook format in February 2012. In November 2011, he made a mashup with "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars, and "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele.

In 2011, Tsui was a behind-the-scenes host for the third season of NBC's a capella competition show, ‘The Sing-Off’. He recorded a "Judges Medley" that included Sara Bareilles' "Love Song", Ben Folds' "Gone" and Shawn Stockman's (Boyz II Men) "On Bended Knee". The video is free to view on both NBC's website and Tsui's independent YouTube channel, TheSamTsui.

Tsui graduated from Yale ‘magna cum laude’ with a major in classical Greek in 2011. Tsui is proficient in the C++ programming language.Tsui was mentioned three times by Tom Hanks when he addressed the class of Yale 2011. Tsui was also featured in the 2010 Yale Admissions video. The video, entitled "That's Why I Chose Yale",reveals information about the college with students and admission officers breaking out into song across the campus.

Tsui has collaborated with fellow musician Kurt Hugo Schneider since high school, when the pair recorded music with an electronic keyboard and GarageBand. Both attended Yale University, where a musical partnership developed. As of February 2012, the YouTube channel "KurtHugoSchneider" has garnered over 525 million total views and over 2 million subscribers.His videos have been described by Time as a combination of ‘Glee’ and ‘Attack of the Clones’.

Tsui released his first full-length original album in May 2013 titled ‘Make It Up’. In summer 2013, Tsui and Schneider toured across Canada and the US with Alex Goot, Against the Current, Landon Austin, Luke Conard, and King the Kid. In September 2013, Tsui and Schneider performed in Singapore and Hong Kong. Tsui has so far released music videos for "Make It Up", "Grey Area", "Shadow", "Bring Me the Night", "Worth It" , "Wherever You Are" and "Open Up The Sky".

Tsui continues to make covers of popular music on his YouTube channel, also doing collaborations with other YouTube singers. On September 9, 2013, Sam wrote and recorded a duet with Elle Winter entitled "Unsinkable (Music Is Medicine)". The proceeds of the single go towards pediatric cancer research as a part of the Music Is Medicine's Donate a Song project. On October 3, 2013, Sam uploaded a photo via Instagram, posing alongside Jason Mraz and Hunter Hayes. He announced that he shot a video with the two artists and would be releasing it soon. It was later revealed that he has collaborated with Tessa Violet, Echosmith, TJ Smith, Tyler Ward, Brandyn Burnette, Brian Landau, Kina Grannis and Peter Hollens on a YouTube mash-up of their song, "Everybody's Got Somebody but Me".

Tsui's vocals were featured in a promotional video for Coca-Cola that premiered on January 14, 2014. In 2013, Kurt Hugo Schneider and Coca-Cola teamed up to create music videos featuring creative covers of two 2013 hits namely Calvin Harris' "Feel So Close" and Of Monsters and Men's "Little Talks" for a campaign called "The Sounds of AHH". The commercial edits of both premiered on the inaugural episode of season 13 of ‘American Idol’ on January 14, 2014 on FOX with "Feel So Close" featuring the vocals of Tsui whereas Schneider makes music playing only Coca-Cola bottles, glasses and cans.Tsui shares in co-playing on the bottles alongside Schneider. In summer 2014, Tsui and Schneider returned to Asia, performing in Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taipei. They were also scheduled to perform in Beijing and Shanghai, but those shows did not push through.

In 2016, Tsui starred in an episode of ‘Bones’ as collegiate a cappella singing group member Jake Eisenberg.

Sam Tsui currently has 296k instagram followers as of June 19, 2016.

