Ben Cantelon, 24岁来自加拿大温哥华, 是一位福音音乐作曲人和敬拜乐领导者。除了一般的演唱技巧外,Ben Cantelon还挺擅长木制吉他, 电音吉他, 电子键盘, 鼓和贝司乐器的演奏。 Ben Cantelon现正在英国的沃特福德与Soul Survivor Church合唱团一起工作。Ben Cantelon新碟《Running After You》中的感悟不是来自物理距离上的Running, 而是来自Ben Cantelon自身对上帝的追寻。认真聆听这些感悟, 人们将在漫漫人生路上走得更远。
Ben Cantelon is a Christian worship leader and songwriter with Survivor Records, who is currently based at Holy Trinity, Brompton, and is working with the likes of Tim Hughes and Al Gordon at Worship Central. He released his full length debut album, Running After You on 7th August 2009.