来自挪威的交响 黑金属乐队,组建于1989年,以远古和巫术作为创作题材。该乐队的4张专辑风格更不相同,可以说是不断的在变化,他们的第一张专辑于1994年发表,风 格趋向于加键盘点缀的原始黑金;第二张专辑于1997年发表,风格趋向于交响黑金;第三张专辑于1998年发表,风格趋向于古典/交响黑金;第四张专辑于 2000年发表,乐队去除了键盘,风格定位于技术型旋律黑金。
Obtained Enslavement was a symphonic black metal band from Stord, Norway. They formed in 1989 and decided to split up in 2000 because Pest moved to the United States, and they did not succeed in finding a new singer.[2] The most notable members, Pest and Torgrim Øyre, have also been members of the black metal band Gorgoroth.