Elizabeth Toriser (vocals 主唱)
Sang Drax Tharen (guitar / bass / keyboards 吉他 贝斯 键盘)
出 生
Dark wave, Gothic Rock
Labels 厂牌
Draenor Productions / Napalm
黑金乐队Abigo的vocals/keyboards Tharen在1997年建立了这个与金属完全无关的个人计划Dargaard(Dargaard一词来源于奇幻小说龙枪系列中亡灵骑士索斯爵士的居住地,达加堡,一个与索斯一同受到无尽诅咒的黑暗城堡,破碎的外墙上尽是代表罪恶的黑玫瑰,无数受诅咒的精灵怨灵日复一日唱着那首记述当年毁灭情景的歌谣.....),他想尝试一条新的路径,一条同样通向黑暗的路径。98年,曾经昙花一现出现在abigo 95年专辑Nachthymnen的女主音Elisabeth加入了dargaard.以这个阵容,Dargaard在Napalm records的分支厂牌Draenor Productions下发行了他们第一张专辑"Eternity Rites",这张darkwave风格的专辑以其庄严宏大的音乐把人们引入了属于剑与魔法的古老世界,那仿佛来自于地底的狰狞邪恶之声,那漂浮与灵动音乐之上的仙音,一个纯粹由键盘与古典乐器建造的虚幻世界。这张专辑非常的成功,而Dargaard的整体风格也由此确立。 第二年8月他们再次进入录音室录制专辑In Nomine Aeternitatis,并于2000年6月发行。这张专辑在保持dargaard style的基础上做了一些细节的变动,去掉了Tharen邪恶的唱腔,整张专辑只会听到Elisabeth的缥缈仙音,对氛围营造更加炉火纯青。2001年发行"The Dissolution of Eternity",2004年发行专辑Rise and Fall ,保持了一贯的高水准,为一变化的就是他们越来越成熟的技巧。这是一个darkwave迷们不可错过的乐队。每一张专辑都可称为极品
Dargaard was founded by Tharen (Abigor, Amestigon, Heidenreich, Dominion III) in 1997. The band was his opportunity to step away from his usual genre (Black Metal) and experiment with a different approach to express attitudes and feelings. With Elisabeth Toriser (Abigor, Antichrisis, Dominion), who took over the vocal responsibilties in 1998, Dargaard was able to successfully complete the recording of theire debut Cd,"Eternity Rites", released by Napalm Records under the Draenor Productions banner in October 1998. August the following has Dargaard back in the studio. The follow up to "Eternity Rites" remains within Dargaard`s signature style and promise to prove once again their undeniable skill in creating superior melodies and atmosphere. "In Nomine Aeternitatis" was released on 06.03.2000. June 2001 welcomed Dargaard's third recording effort, the "Dissolution of Eternity". This CD has been described as having reached a milestone in innovative darkwave. Dargaard's latest full length release, Rise and Fall, offers a magical sound experience characterized by impressive compositions. Atmospheric, enigmatic Dark Wave melodies embedded in bombastic choirs and orchestral arrangements are transformed into impressive works of art by the by the bewitching voice of Elizabeth Toriser. Follow DAargaard into their mystic and dismal world. "Rise and Fall" was released in March 2004 and was featured in various magazines as album of the month.