Maneesh De Moor 是荷兰键盘乐器演奏家和作曲家,也是一位古典钢琴演奏家,他擅长于将印度、西藏等地区的音乐元素与现代电子音乐相结合,运用东方音乐元素和超自然效果,他的艺名甚至都是荷兰和印度名字的混合,以至于很多人将他当做印度音乐人。他也喜欢将现场表演音效、工作室电音效果和氛围元素精巧的融合在一起,此外还有一些自然音效。比如在2006年的专辑《Sadhana 萨丹纳》中,他将澳洲的蛙鸣声录制下来,创造了第二轨《Raindance》中的节奏,而其中的鸟叫声也多于氛围的表现。除了自己创作专辑,Maneesh De Moor 还经常与 Deva Premal、Miten、Sudha 和 Prem Joshua 等知名新世纪音乐家合作演出。
Born in the Netherlands, currently travelling, Maneesh mastered the art of sound synthesis and sound sculpturing, after studying classical and pop/world. He specializes in the crossover of ethnic/traditional styles and contemporary atmospheres and grooves. Over the years he has been collaborating with many musicians from around the globe (Sudha, Praful, Bahramji, Deva Premal & Miten, Prem Joshua amongst many others) and released the groundbreaking solo album “SADHANA an ethno-ambient journey into Oneness”.