


Sweden 瑞典


Immanu El 是一支来自于瑞典的年轻的后摇乐队,其风格融合了后摇,氛围,独立摇滚,和实验音乐的多种音乐元素.乐队成军于2004年,当时只有16岁的Claes Strangberg.提出了最初的音乐构想,随后他的孪生兄弟Per Strangberg 和他们多年的好友Michael Persson 以及Emil Karlsson也加入了乐队。当他们还在念高中的时候,他们就开始在位于瑞典小镇Jonkoping的郊外尝试创作和排练一些后摇和氛围风格的音乐作品。随后发行的EP Killerwhale一经发行就在短时间内售罄,而乐队的名字也在世界范围内被越来越多的人知道.。受到越来越多关注的Immanu El得到了一些在瑞典各地的场地进行演出的机会.在乐队赴冰岛演出归来,并且被瑞典一些媒体广泛报道之后,乐队于2005年得到了在当地独立音乐界最具影响力的音乐节Hultsfred Rookie festival进行演出的机会。这次演出成为他们乐队生涯中一次重要的突破,也是一个重要的转折点。乐队的成员毕业后,便与摇滚厂牌And The Sound Records签约,并且来到瑞典的哥德堡发展。新成员David lillberg和JonatanJosefsson的加入给乐队注入了新的活力。乐队于接下来的2007年发行了他们第一张专辑They' ll Come, They Come。2009年年末And The Sound Records也在界范围内发行了他们第二张唱片Moen。乐队于过去的三年里发行了两张正式唱片,在25个国家进行了150多场演出。乐队正受到越来越多的瞩目和赞誉,成为众多的纳维亚籍的乐队中颇有影响力的一支 。 2011年 乐队将会在世界各地进行更多的巡演,他们的第三张正式唱片也会在今年的秋天问世。


2004年的夏天由Claes Nilsson Strangberg发起并在瑞典南部的Jonkoping成军,透过吉它和键盘建立了他们的音乐,低调的键盘,迷人的歌声,动人的旋律和那淡淡的忧郁。2007年8月他们的首张正式专辑 They' ll Come, They Come 发布。

Immanu El 的音乐像是后摇、氛围、和流行元素的结合,人声部分有些Sigur Rós中Jonsi的感觉。他们的音乐十分大气,但不大声。

Immanu El is a young Swedish band with a sound of guitar and keyboard soundscapes, low key, captive singing and with somewhat of a moving nordic presence. The music is focused on post/indie rock sounds in variated dynamics.Debut album "they'll come, they come" was released in the fall of 2007.

"Immanu El is a post-rock band from Sweden that was formed when a couple of high school friends decided to make music in the Summer of 2004. Like many other Swedish Post-Rock bands, Immanu El's music focuses on vocals even more so than bands like Logh, Ef and September Malevolence. Their first release was an CDR EP in 2005 called, "Killerwhale". After doing some live shows and touring with different artists such as Sigur Rós and the previously mentioned Ef they struck a deal with And The Sound records. In August of 2007 they released their full-length debut, "They'll Come, They Come".

Immanu El's music can be seen as a combination of ambient, Indie Pop (mainly because of the vocals) and Post-Rock. The vocals are somewhat similar to Jonsi's from Sigur Rós and are sang in English. The music is very atmospheric and prefers to stay subtle and not loud. Highly recommended for fans of Sigur Rós, Ef, Gregor Samsa and other Post-Rock bands that emphasizes on vocals.

