


Netherlands 荷兰



姓名:Raimond Lap雷蒙·拉普




国际儿童音乐权威——雷蒙•拉普(Raimond Lap),专为智能发展关键时期的婴幼儿创作,是一套有效强化宝宝3Q(IQ智能+EQ情绪+PQ体能)全面发展的音乐专辑,适合于0-3岁年龄的宝宝聆听。以巴洛克时期音乐为旋律基础,透明纯净的音符,巧妙结合森林海洋律动声响、宝宝的笑声耳语,丰富的声音元素,带领宝宝进入宽阔的想象世界,启发创造力(IQ),引导情绪表达(EQ),提升肢体律动平衡(PQ),是宝宝开启3Q潜能学习的钥匙。同时开展孩子的智商、增进孩子的情绪商数、强壮孩子的身体机能,统合协调、平衡发展,使孩子能够以最佳的身心状态迈向成功之路。 该专辑精挑细选的莫扎特的名曲中适合于儿童倾听、开发智能的音乐,轻柔的音乐加上活泼轻快的旋律让宝宝沉浸在音乐的国度中,自然而无拘无束地感受所聆听的音乐;让宝宝的小脑袋扑捉乐曲中的跳越音符、尽情伸展小身躯。跳动的音符与大自然的声音使宝宝在舒适的音乐中获得稳定而愉快的心情,进一步启发宝宝的创造力,逐渐提升宝宝的肢体律动平衡。可为宝宝早期音乐启蒙打下良好基础,更加强化宝宝3Q的全面发展。


2015年推出新专辑《New Born Lovely Baby》。

Raimond Lap (born December 15, 1959) is an award-winning composer of music for toddlers and babies. Raimond has been on the Irish Gerry Ryan Show,multiple times on Dutch television and in many newspapers and magazines around the world. His music is currently available in 50 countries. Raimond claims that his music entertains, educates, and makes babies stop crying.


This article is written like a magazine article; it does not use the direct, balanced tone expected of an encyclopedia. Please discuss this issue on the talk page. Editing help is available. (December 2007)

As a child, Raimond’s ears were caressed by the sounds of Bach, Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven that his mother frequently charmed out of the piano keys. His father’s guitar and singing got him acquainted with modern music, giving Raimond a solid footing in both worlds. Raimond’s first contact with keys resulted in his composing songs and little compositions. His father took note and arranged piano lessons for the boy. A solid classical education followed in which Raimond amazed his piano teacher with his new compositions. So, immediately after completing secondary education, Raimond went to the conservatory, learning classical piano, classical composition and theory, and composing light music. Meanwhile he dove into pop music with great abandon. He started his own pop group and performed throughout the Netherlands. He won a prize for best composition and made his first single. After six years at three conservatories, Raimond set up his own music-lesson practice, giving lessons in piano playing, arranging, general musical theory and composition to children and adults. He developed courses and teaching material and composed film music, commercials and tunes for radio and television. The combination of all these factors contributed to the baby music that he would develop with so much success many years later.

New Born Lovely Baby was released in 2015.

