


#西班牙 | 弗拉门戈



Alberto Iglesias,巴斯克人,伊比利亚最好的配乐手。与西班牙两个最有影响力的导演保持着长期合作的关系:一是Almodovar,一是Julio Medem。

他与Julio Medem合作始于短片Las Seis en punta,此后从Vacas至Sex and Luica为止,Julio Medem的五部电影均由Alberto Iglesias配乐。不知道算是他帮Julio奠定了西班牙影坛的地位,还是Julio给了他一个从无名氏到鹤立鸡群的契机。

他与Almodovar的合作始于La flor de mi Secreto,至老阿的近作Volver为止,其间6部电影均由Alberto Iglesias配乐。可以说是老阿将他带向了国际影坛。

近年,The Constant Gardener和The Kite Runner先后获得奥斯卡最佳配乐提名。相信,他迟早会拿下这座小金人。

Spanish film composer Alberto Iglesias was born in San Sebastian in 1955. He spent his early years studying harmony and counterpoint in the city of his birth, later studying composition and piano in the studios of Phonos de Barcelona. Wrapping up his period of formal education, Iglesias formed a duo with fellow composer Javier Navarrete creating electronic music, touring and performing from 1981 to 1986. This spark for creative and unconventional techniques would come to characterize Iglesias' career. Thanks to personal connections made by his brother Jose Luis, Iglesias began working in the world film music in the mid-'80s, scoring films such as La Conquista de Albania (1984) and El Sueño de Tanger (1986). Though well liked by industry insiders, Iglesias' compositions had not found large audiences before his collaborations with Julio Médem, one of Spain's most influential directors. 1991's Vacas (Medém), followed by 1993's La Ardilla Roja formed an important alliance between Medém and Iglesias that would lift the young composer to new heights of renown. Thanks to the films' success and the quality of Iglesias' work, he was solicited for a number of projects throughout the '90s, including the national hits Los Amantes del Circulo Polar (1998) and Pedro Almodóvar's Todo Sobre Mi Madre (1999). The latter marked the beginning of an important partnership with Almodóvar, as well as Iglesias' arrival as an internationally recognized voice in film music. This hard earned reputation was further established with the award winning score for Talk to Her, followed by La Mauvaise Education. Iglesias' impeccable work was introduced to U.S. audiences via his Oscar-nominated score for The Constant Gardener.
