中 文 名 霍华德·肖
外 文 名 Howard Leslie Shore
国 籍 加拿大
出 生 地 加拿大 安大略省 多伦多
出生日期 1946年10月18日
职 业 电影音乐家
霍华德·肖(Howard Shore)一直以来,都是好莱坞最出色的电影音乐家之一,我们不难在电影中感受到他的音乐所产生的独特张力,但以前我们很难在唱片上感受到他的出色,因为他长期为恐怖片或心理惊悚片配乐,很难有机会发行一张动听大卖的电影原声带。霍华德·肖在大多数乐迷心目中,曾经是一个描写阴森景致与变态情境的高手,不过,《魔戒》系列电影的出现让霍华德·肖成功的扭转了乐迷对他的印象。
霍华德·肖出生于1946年10月18日,加拿大多伦多人,他从美国波士顿的伯克利音乐学校获得专业学位,此后很快在多伦多协助创建了一支摇滚组合“灯塔”(Lighthouse)。这支组合获得过一定的成功,但最重要的,是使霍华德展示了他作为创作者和制作人的才华。在离开组合之后,他开始尝试为其他新型媒体进行音乐创作。他结识了之后与自己事业密切相关的加拿大老乡Lorne Michaels和David Cronenberg。在Michael帮助下,他执导了5个演出季节的“周末夜秀”(音乐剧内容的节目),他为此创作了广为人知的主题音乐。在他结束这段工作后,受雇于为 David Cronenberg的影片《同伙》(Brood)编写配乐。
霍华德·肖此后采用交响乐形式为 David Cronenberg几乎所有影片进行创作,除了1983年的《死亡地带》(The Dead Zone),并且形成了一种令人印象深刻又多变的作品体系。历数霍华德所创作过音乐的著名影片有1988年汤姆·汉克斯的成名影片《成长》(Big)、1991年5项奥斯卡得主影片《沉默的羔羊》、1995年大卫芬奇的《七宗罪》、2000年的《入侵脑细胞》及2002年的《纽约黑帮》等等。
《王者归来》中,霍华德·肖以神圣壮阔的大合唱揭开这段冒险传奇史诗,并从擅长的惊悚气氛堆积功力之中,释放出耸动、憾人的宏伟气势,激荡一波又一波的磅礴狂潮。随着影片的辽阔视野与浩然排场,扬起个人创作生涯最具野心的英雄交响诗。一向喜以爱尔兰民情乐风丰润影片所需的传奇色彩,以及丰富古典乐神秘、柔美、威武、哀凄音质的霍华德邀来了美国著名女高音Renee Fleming、传奇女歌手Annie Lennox、长笛演奏家James Galway为本片配乐润色。
2014年3月,发行原声带《She-Devil (Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack)》,5月,发行单曲《Maps to the Stars》,9月发行原声带《Maps to the Stars (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》,12月,发行原声带《The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》和《Rosewater (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》。
2015年4月发行合集《The Complete Hobbit & Lord Of The Rings Film Music Collection》,5月,发行原声带《Nobody's Fool (Music From the Motion Picture)》(未发布)。11月,发行原声带《Spotlight (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》。
Life and career
Howard Leslie Shore (born October 18, 1946) is a Canadian composer who is notable for his film scores. He has composed the scores for over 80 films, most notably the scores for ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’ film trilogies. He won three Academy Awards for his work on the first trilogy, with one being for the original song "Into the West", an award he shared with Eurythmics lead vocalist Annie Lennox and Writer/Producer Fran Walsh, who wrote the lyrics. He is also a consistent collaborator with director David Cronenberg, having scored all but one of his films since 1979.
Shore has also composed a few concert works including one opera, ‘The Fly’, based on the plot (though not his score) of Cronenberg's 1986 film premiered at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris on July 2, 2008, a short piece Fanfare for the Wanamaker Organ and the Philadelphia Orchestra, and a short overture for the Swiss 21st Century Symphony Orchestra. Shore also scored for ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’, the third film of the five-film series.
In addition to his three Academy Award wins, Shore has also won three Golden Globe Awards and four Grammy Awards.
In 2010, Shore composed the score to the third installment in the highly popular ‘Twilight’ film series, following Carter Burwell and Alexandre Desplat, who scored the first and second films, respectively. He also replaced John Corigliano to score ‘Edge of Darkness’, starring Mel Gibson.
Shore's 2011 projects were ‘A Dangerous Method’, continuing his long-term collaboration with director David Cronenberg. He also composed the score to Martin Scorsese's ‘Hugo’, his fifth collaboration with the director, which earned him a sixth Golden Globe nomination and fourth Oscar nomination.
He also composed the score to Peter Jackson's ‘The Hobbit’ film series.
In 2012, he received Canada's Governor General's Performing Arts Awards for Lifetime Artistic Achievement.
He composed for film ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies’ which was released in 2014.
He also composed for the film ‘Spotlight’.It was released in 2015.