


#古典跨界 #歌剧
Peru 秘鲁


男高音歌唱家胡安·迪亚哥·弗洛雷兹(Juan Diego Flórez)1973年生于秘鲁首都利马,早年在当地学习音乐,后在美国费城的库尔蒂斯学院完成学业。弗洛雷兹的首次正式演出是1996年在罗西尼的故乡佩萨罗(意大利东部的一海滨小城)举行的罗西尼歌剧节上,他的表现颇受好评,并引起了歌剧界的极大关注。此后,弗洛雷兹便作为一位冉冉升起的青年男高音歌唱家出现在歌剧舞台上,他擅长演唱佩尔戈莱西、罗西尼、唐尼采蒂、威尔第、普契尼、洛塔等人的作品,并与多位当代指挥家合作过,包括:穆蒂、郑明勋、马里内尔、查理、杰尔梅第、罗塞特、里奇、西摩尼、帕帕诺、杰达、阿巴多。

Juan Diego Flórez (born January 13, 1973 in Lima, Peru) is a Peruvian operatic tenor, particularly known for his roles in bel canto operas. On June 4, 2007, he received his country's highest decoration, the Gran Cruz de la Orden del Sol del Perú。

Juan Diego Flórez was born in Lima, Peru, on January 13, 1973 where his father, Rubén Flórez, was a noted guitarist and singer of Peruvian popular and criolla music. In an interview in the Peruvian newspaper Ojo, Flórez recounted his early days when his mother managed a pub with live music and he worked as a replacement singer whenever the main attraction called in sick. "It was a tremendous experience for me, since most of those who were regulars at the pub were of a certain age, so I had to be ready to sing anything from huayños to Elvis Presley music and, in my mind, that served me a great deal because, in the final analysis, any music that is well structured—whether it is jazz, opera, or pop—is good music".

Initially intending to pursue a career in popular music, he entered the Conservatorio Nacional de Música in Lima at the age of 17. His classical voice emerged in the course of his studies there under Maestro Andrés Santa María. During this time, he became a member of the Coro Nacional of Peru and sang as a soloist in Mozart's Coronation Mass and Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle.

He received a scholarship to the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia where he studied from 1993 to 1996 and began singing in student opera productions in the repertory that is still his specialty today, Rossini and the bel canto operas of Bellini and Donizetti. During this period, he also studied with Marilyn Horne at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara. In 1994 the Peruvian tenor, Ernesto Palacio invited him to Italy to work on a recording of Vicente Martín y Soler's opera Il Tutore Burlato. He subsequently became Flórez's teacher, mentor and manager and has had a profound influence on his career.
