by John BushArkestra One, a duo comprised of producer Matthew Timoney with vocalist Nina Miranda, delivered a beat-heavy version of Brazilian pop in similar company to their ESL colleagues Thievery Corporation. Timoney, a native of Finland, was raised in London, where he eventually began working as a registered nurse. He also listened to music, with a special emphasis on early ambient techno experimentalists including Aphex Twin and the Irresistible Force. After beginning a production career himself, Timoney passed around a set of demos and saw his track "Skydiving" licensed to Cosmic Sounds. He spent years looking for a vocalist who complemented his productions, and finally discovered another British immigrant, Nina Miranda, who'd left her native Brazil as a child and recorded with the trip-hop group Smoke City. As Arkestra One, the duo signed to the ESL label fronted by Thievery Corporation and released a self-titled debut album in late 2002.