


Australia 澳大利亚



中文名字: 盖·瑟巴斯全 / 盖伊·瑟巴斯全

英文名字:Guy Sebastian

昵称: Guy / The Fro

职业: SONY BMG签约歌手,作词/曲家

擅长的乐器: 钢琴,吉他,鼓


出生地 : 马来西亚 (六岁时因父亲的调职,全家移居澳大利亚)

家庭: (家中排行老二), 父亲(斯里兰卡/大马血统)是位地质学家、母亲(英国/葡萄牙血统)、大哥大嫂、三弟、四弟

最喜爱的运动: 板球

最喜爱的食物: 母亲的咖喱

喜欢的歌手: Stevie Wonder, Donny, Al green, Marvin, Beatles


阿德莱德大学医学系射线疗法学(未完成);在实习期间因忍受不了看到癌症病人的痛苦,决定退学打工,在这段时期身兼数职,曾担任工地,仓库管理员,养老院清洁员,录音师,音乐老师 (自学)只因为想拥有自己的录音室.自小学小提琴,14岁开始,在学校典礼,教会,婚礼上有过大小的演唱(当初只当兴趣娱乐,因为父母相当注重学业),之后与好友们组成基督教青年乐队"PlanetShakers",担任主唱。2003年,澳洲举行第一届的歌唱比赛(Australian Idol), 他也随陪当时的女友(也是现任女友)参加,没想到抱病到场的他不但在试唱顺利通过而且还得到评委们一致性的高度好评,之后过关斩将,成为澳洲首届偶像歌唱冠军。首张专辑,在五天半内内里录制完毕,第一周销售过40万,在4周内稳居榜首, 达到6张白金的地位,主打歌 Angel Brought Me Here 也成为澳洲历史上销售最快的经典单曲,取得3张白金唱片。

2004年11月发表第二张专辑『美丽人生』BEAUTIFUL LIFE, 三张单曲。2005年 担任World Vision 大使,到非洲战区录制主持非洲儿童纪实节目   2006年十月发表第三张专辑『靠近太阳』CLOSER TO THE SUN,两张单曲。2007年 五月在悉尼歌剧院 Syney Opera House,Victorian Arts Centre与澳大利亚管弦乐团举行三场的个人演唱会,2009年十月发行专辑Take It Take That。

by Evan C. Gutierrez

Guy Sebastian was born in Klang, Malaysia, to Malaysian and English parents. At a young age, Sebastian moved with his family to Adelaide, Australia. His singing career began at the age of 14. In addition to attending a Baptist private school, he attended Paradise Community Church, one of Australia's largest mega-churches. His involvement with the youth choir as a soloist led to national and international performance opportunities. After graduation, Sebastian found work as an audio engineer and vocal teacher. It was his participation in the first season of Australian Idol that brought his talent to public attention. The breakthrough show's first winner, Sebastian signed with BMG. The artist's first single, "Angels Brought Me Here," debuted at number one. Released December 3, 2003, Just as I Am became an Australian best-seller, a six-time platinum record. The October release of Beautiful Life debuted to similar success, but without the sustained sales of its predecessor. Sebastian experienced the pitfall of many of the decade's television-made recording stars; instant success came at the price of insecurity and writer's block, causing the artist to consider abandoning a life making music between his second and third record. He returned home to write his next project among friends, jamming and creating a truly organic product. Closer to the Sun hit shelves in September 2006, peaking at number four on Australian charts and selling more than 70,000 copies.

