2011年11月11日より始動したJESSEのマルチエンタテインメントプロジェクト"Stand Up! Project"を通じ、2012年11月11日にJESSE,T$UYO$HI,ZAX,ZUZUの4人でJESSE and The BONEZとして活動開始。ハードコア、オルタナ、エレクトロからフォーキー、ブラックコンテンポラリーまで多彩な音楽性を展開。 2013年、9月 バンド名を"The BONEZ"に。JESSEのソロプロジェクトから、よりバンドとして動き出した。 2ndアルバムの制作を終えZUZUが脱退。 10月14日のLIVEより、NAKA(ex.RIZE)が加入する。11月には、JESSE,T$UYO$HI,ZAX,NAKAの4人で歩みだした"The BONEZ"にふさわしい、4人の立ち位置を表現し・重なり合った特徴のあるNをモチーフにした新しいロゴを発表。 2014年1月22日、2nd アルバムとなる、"Astronaut"をリリース。ファン垂涎のアイテムが詰まった特別限定盤、CD+DVDの限定盤、CDのみの通常流通盤の 3バージョンでの販売を行った。 2月18日から4月12日まで、アルバムのレコ発ツアーとなる"Astro Tour 2014"を行う。国内19カ所をまわり、20カ所目はワンマンLIVE"The ONE"を開催。その時の映像が、後、LIVE DVDとして発売される。 7月には、NAKA加入後の初作品となる "Place of Fire"、LIVE DVD 「Astro Tour 2014 "The ONE"」をリリース。 12月4日からワンマンでの東名阪ツアー 「Astro Tour "ONE MAN SHOW"」を開催。
The BONEZ are
Vocal & Guitar = JESSE (RIZE), Bass = T$UYO$HI (Pay Money To My Pain), Drums = ZAX (Pay Money To My Pain), Guitar = NAKA (ex-RIZE).
The BONEZ is a super band consisting of members from two established popular rock bands: RIZE & Pay Money To My Pain.
JESSE, an iconic figure in the Japanese rock and street culture scene, launched his solo project called "Stand Up!" based on his unique concept and strong motivation for wanting to connect directly with fans, amateur musicians, and other professionals. His goal was to create a new variety of entertainment that launched on 11/11/2011. The 11th is a day that is very symbolic for JESSE as the Japan Tsunami Disaster occurred on 3.11.10, the World Trade Center attacks occurred 9.11.01, and his birthday is 8.11.80.
Through this project, JESSE released his first solo album with the same title "Stand Up!" by collaborating with ZUZU who was selected as co-producer for this album through a special web media audition. "Stand Up" was released on JESSE's independent label "TENSAIBAKA Records" on 11/11/2012. The first premium limited edition two disc sold out immediately even though the price was
,111 (~$115) and promotion for this album was limited to JESSE's Facebook pages. Influential buzz among not only fans, but also other music listeners pushed Japanese major retailers such as Tower records, HMV, and CCC to quickly begin carrying "Stand Up!" in its one disc "unlimited edition" format that went on to sell more than 10,000 copies.
Meanwhile, on the final day of mastering "Stand Up!", JESSE heard that Pay Money To My Pain cancelled their sold out tour because their lead vocalist, K, fell ill. Without hesitation JESSE, called TSUYOSHI & ZAX that night at the studio, asking them "Why don't we jam, because I need some strong band members for my solo gig".
TSUYOSHI and ZAX initially agreed, but on a temporary basis until K could fully recover.
Originally the guys had planned to only appear once together on stage as a special performance on 01.11.2013 as a thank you for the fans who bought the "Stand Up!" limited edition album by offering them a chance to attend an intimate concert for only 111 fans. However on 12.30.12, K passed away, and Jesse never had a chance to say good-bye...
Because of this, the band continued to perform together after their 1.11.13 gig - feeling inspired and compelled to do so by an invisible, spiritual power. This Summer, the band officially changed their name to "The BONEZ" from "JESSE & The Bonez" on JESSE's 33rd birthday, 08/11/13. They wanted to express their commitment and desire to continue playing together as a unit outside of RIZE and Pay Money To My Pain. Additionally NAKA, the former guitarist of RIZE joined - ultimately replacing ZUZU - and making The BONEZ a true super band featuring members from RIZE and Pay Money To My Pain.