以30年代传统美国黑人爵士乐歌手形象为蓝本的Liane Foly,发展的是一种基于感性歌词和富于感染力的蓝调节奏融合而成的流行香颂。伴随她性感、优雅的平和嗓音,Foly确立了其在90年代法语歌坛作为主流女歌手的稳固地位。
原名Eliane Folleix,于1962年生于里昂;Foly的父亲是一名经营杂货店的小老板,母亲是传统的家庭主妇。看似平凡的小老百姓家庭,对于音乐的热情却是异乎寻常;由Foly的父母组成的乐队"Black and White"在当地颇有名气,每周末在小酒吧的客座演出成为他们闲暇时候乐衷的全部。所谓“有其父必有其子”,父母对音乐的热爱也就顺理成章的成为Folleix一家孩子们的最爱。姐姐Philippe担任鼓手,妹妹Corine负责钢琴伴奏,而我们最年幼的Eliane便是担当了这个快乐家庭乐队最重要的主唱一职。12岁时,她已经能在观众面前自然的演唱,轻松自如的表演和老练的舞台表演,Eliane给人难以磨灭的印象。当时她也完全能够独立演绎一些经典的香颂和50年代的欧美打榜金曲。继在家庭乐队丰富的舞台表演阅历之后,Eliane开始拓展其个人歌唱事业,以Liane Foly为艺名,才华的年轻女歌手以经典爵士和灵魂乐为基调,发展出自己的个性音乐风格。
18岁那年,Foly接受了声带手术,经过将近6年不间断的演唱,她的声色确实需要一些外部力量来进行调整和改善,而且这种改善后来证明是非常恰当和富有成效的,凭着Foly在手术后迅速地回归状态,并且更出色和完美的声色进步;使之在圈内小有名气,歌迷也随之水涨船高。不过,当代社会“千里马难遇伯乐”,Foly的成名还是在词作者Philipe Viennet与另一位音乐朋友André Manoukian(也是她日后的BF人选)的全力支持下开始的,这两位为Liane富有磁性的嗓音及魅力四射的台风所吸引,很快为她夺身定制的作品便在André位于里昂的录音室开始制作样带。在经历一段艰苦的制作过程后,这三人小组在巴黎显示了成果。1987年,Liane Foly来到巴黎,在得到Virgin FR唱片公司老总Fabrice Nataf的赏识后,Foly的音乐里程便踏上了星光大道。
1988年Liane Foly的首张处女大碟"The Man I love"发行了,完全由Phillippe和André担纲的这张专集,其实是一张向著名爵士艺人Sarah Vaughan致敬的集子。
而这里介绍的Rêve orange,是在伦敦录制的,作为她的第2张大碟,1990年11月发行的Rêve orange可谓是奠定其主流女歌手地位的经典之作。和上面的The Man I love不同,"Rêve orange"展示的是充满活力和女性魅力的新形象,以性感的黑色紧身风衣,红手套,清新的短发为靓丽形象的Foly赢得了法国听众的一致认可;当然形象是其次,最主要的是正张专集所洋溢的新爵士特征,描绘的是美法爵士乐融合下的耳目一新的新印象。而这成绩除了Foly的出色演绎,就得全归功于Phillipe和André的努力工作了。
一跨到了99年。瞥开97年那张非常不成功的"Caméléon",Liane大姐最终还是在探索新风格的征途上妥协了。99年2月,本色的Liane终于回来,带着其一向得到好评的jazz,她又一次征服了听众。就要跨越千嘻年的新时代下,Liane Foly的传统jazz虽然也有了些改变,更趋流行和现代感,国际化、主流化,但是Liane的转变即便比Caméléon时期还大,但是她这次获得了成功。
c'est la vie、la valse des anges(最好听的是JP 3寸中的版本)、va savoir以及我所衷爱的La Vie ne m'apprend rien等等,一切都证明Liane的魅力不可挡。成熟、感性、平易近人的形象永远是歌迷称颂的典范。Acoustique不仅捍卫了她作为法国歌坛主流女歌手的地位,而且使其在歌迷心中的位置更加稳固,Liane Foly在法国听众心目中就是一位引领法国女歌手发展方向和代表现代法国女歌手经典形象的大姐大。这也是我把Liane Foly放在Chanteuse第一位来介绍的原因吧。
与2001年发行的Entre nous(我们之间)就以一席蓝横扫了法国歌坛。这张专集大多歌词都是由她亲自创作,因此也就更能真实的表现她的想法和感觉,应该说是Liane最为个人的一张专集。而专集也请到了很多大牌艺人的顷力帮助,Gerard Presgurvie谱曲的"On a tous le droit"(我们有权利爱),Patrick Fiori和Maxime帮忙的"Toujours autant besioin d'amour"(渴望爱情),以及为著名导演Claude Sautet指导的片子"Les choses de la vie"配唱的主题歌"La chanson d'Helene"(依莲之歌)等等,都是值得聆听的佳作。
应该说这张Entre nous的成功不仅仅是Liane一人的功劳,也是很多人协助的成果,不过从中也不难看出Liane大姐的地位和威望。这早在她从93年就参加的Les Enfoires义演中就可看出。
不知如何形容初听这张专集的感觉,但确实非常棒!第一首Badaboum就给人耳目一新,良好的节奏感,Badaboum、Badaboum。。。。。。。。。Viens的轻快,主打La Chanteuse De Bal的随意,Pas De Doute的动感,Sa Double Vie的流畅,Une Etoile Dort怀旧。。。。。。。。。
我一下联想到了她那张很不成功的Caméléon (换句话说,这张专集也并不差,只是在法国的销量不堪回首而已),Liane大姐似乎在那次的曲风上做了改进,虽然改动不多,但确是抓住要害,把先前音乐带给人们的不协调去处,加入更多的修饰,曲风依然是多样的,但这次就非常完美了。乡村、摇滚、流行。。。等等,Liane大姐似乎已找到了向音乐多元化迈出的坚实步伐的突破口,且不说这张专集的销量会如何,光是其美妙的新鲜感就可以征服听众。
Her parents who were trades people in French Algeria, they left Algeria to return to France in 1962 with the pieds-noir community.
As a child she learnt to dance from the age of 5.
She started, at 12, to sing in her parents' orchestra the Black And White. She continued to sing in local night clubs and bars. Her taste for blues and jazz developped.
In 1984, Liane Foly was discovered by Philippe Viennet and André Manoukian, who offered to write for her and to record a demo. After much work she arrived in Paris in 1987 and obtained a meeting with Fabrice Nataf, artistic director and patron of Virgin France. He launched Liane Foly's career.
Private Life
From 1984 to 1992, the boyfriend of Liane Foly was André Manoukian, her collaborator.
From 1996 to 2002 it was the turn of her manager Laurent B. Souffir to be her boyfriend.
In August 2003, she married Augustin Decré, a businessman.
Liane lived in London.
She left London to return to Paris.
Her friends called her « la chatte bottée » (Puss in Boots).
In 1985, Liane Foly recorded and brought out her first 45 Besoin de Toi.
In 1988, Liane Foly brought out her first album, The Man I Love, from which came Ca va, ça vient, which has a great commercial success and was in the top 50. It was also in 1988 that she first got on the stage in Paris, La Cigale. The music and songs were composed by André Manoukian, and the lyrics were written by Philippe Viennet and Liane Foly herself.
In 1990, she brought out her second album, Rêve Orange, from which came Au Fur et à Mesure
In 1993, she brought out her third album, Les Petites Notes, from which came Doucement. She also recorded her album in English, called Sweet Mystery.
In 1994, she brought out her first live album Lumières.
In 1997, she brought out her album Caméléon, the first without André Manoukian but by Philippe Viennet. This album unlike the earlier ones was ignored by the French public.
In 1999, her album Acoustique only had 4 new songs. The hit La vie ne m'apprend rien (a cover of Daniel Balavoine) was the first single from this.
In 2000, she brought out her album Entre Nous, of which most of the songs were composed by Liane Foly. The first title On à tous le droit was by Presgurvic.
In 2002, she brougt out her Best of Au fur et à mesure, which brought together her greatest successes as well as two previously unreleased tracks Vivre and À l'intérieur.
In 2004, she brought out her album La Chanteuse de Bal, for which André Manoukian and Philippe Viennet composed some titles.
In 2005, she brought out a live double album Une étoile dort, in which she sang all her standards accompanied by Jean-Yves d'Angelo.
In 2008, 7 April, "Le goût du désir" will come out, an album realised by Art Mengo
In 1995, Liane Foly was in Zadoc et le Bonheur a film by Pierre-Henry Salfati. She played the role of Rose, with Tchéky Karyo, Bernadette Lafont, Stéphane Boucher, Marc Dudicourt and Consuelo De Haviland.
In 2004, Liane Foly was in La Battante a telefilm by Didier Albert. She played the role of Cathy Rolland with Alexandra Vandernoot (Anne Darcel), Xavier Deluc (Jérôme Arfan) and Stéphane Audran (Edwige Fournier)
In 2006, Liane Foly participated in the series Navarro.
In 2007, Liane Foly was in Je crois que je l'aime, by Pierre Jolivet. She played Jeanne Larozière, with Vincent Lindon, Sandrine Bonnaire, François Berléand et Kad Merad.
La Folle Parenthèse, mimic show with 30 different voices, put on stage by Marc Jolivet.
In 1993, she was in the first concert of Enfoirés. She would continue in later concerts regularly.
She has worked for AIDS from 1995, she has brought out two albums giving profits to Sol En Si.
Since 2006, she has worked for AFIPA, which fights the commercialisation of pet animal furs (dogs and cats).
Without forgetting her work with the non-profit making organisation Make A Wish Belgium (http://www.makeawish.be/), of which she is a patron