小简介2000年的世界乐坛上所卷起的最大风暴相信一定是拉丁风。Ricky Martin、Jennifer Lopez、Marc Anthony、Enrigue Iglesias,还有Lou Bega,每一位都在上年的夏、秋季中以充满嘉年华气息的歌曲令人蠢蠢欲动。2001年的拉丁风能否延续下去虽然到现在为止依然还是未知之数,但一众拉丁歌手已经严阵以待希望在这一年之间再次发挥热辣辣的拉丁风,除却推出了单曲《Love Don‘t Cost A Thing》的Jennifer Lopez之外就要数到兄弟班底见称的Son By Four。
四位分别拥有兄弟及表兄弟血统的歌手原籍波多黎各,在本土的音乐市场上虽然也薄具名气,但原来在2000年后他们才平地一声雷地人气急升。凭着一曲〈A Puro Dolor〉而走红的Son By Four意外地并不是十分拉丁。但却在流行榜高踞了二十周冠军之久,实在令人摸不着头脑。反观碟中其他作品都颇具水准,〈All I Even Wanted〉、〈You Are So Beautiful〉及〈Two To Tango〉等作品中幽幽的拉丁结他都是那么的扣人心弦。四位歌手的音域唱腔都绝对不像新人歌手,合声和唱方面更是相当耍家,在作品〈With You〉当中便表露无遗,加上大号喇叭所营做的气氛令人听得开怀畅快,是全碟中最吸引人的作品。假以时日,他们绝对可以成为拉丁版的All 4 One。
by Steve HueyThe Puerto Rican vocal quartet Son by Four is mostly a family affair, featuring brothers Javier and George Montes and cousin Pedro Quiles, plus Angel Lopez. Latin-pop producer/songwriter Omar Alfanno took notice of the group's soulful harmonies and bilingual capabilities and helped get them signed to Sony's Latin wing. Son by Four's first album, Preparense, was released in 1998 and it became a hit among fans of Latin and tropical pop. However, it was their next release -- an eponymous album issued in early 2000 -- that truly catapulted Son by Four into the realm of stardom. While it featured some of the group members' first attempts at songwriting, the real attraction was the runaway smash single "A Puro Dolor" ("Purest of Pain"). It spent nearly a year on the Latin singles chart, setting a new record with a whopping 20 weeks at number one; it also became the first Spanish-language track to reach the pop charts in nearly two decades and helped Son by Four reach gold sales status. Sensing a potential crossover, Sony rushed out the album Purest of Pain at the end of the year, aiming primarily for English-speaking pop audiences.