


#独立摇滚 #车库摇滚复兴 #后朋复兴
United Kingdom 英国



中文名 浪子乐队

外文名 The Libertines

国  籍 英国


The Libertines是2002年以来英国最受瞩目的独立摇滚乐队之一,2005年录完第二张专辑,就因为乐队成员大打出手和PETE DOHERTY(皮特·多赫提)的毒瘾而解散。解散后LIBERTINES一分为三,主唱之一的英伦著名瘾君子PETE DOHERTY组建BABYSHAMBLES,该乐队大放异彩,曲风更加灵动。另一位主唱组建了一个风格十分相似的Dirty Pretty Things(2008.10.1已经解散)(JOHN组建YETI,虽然歌好,但是不红)三个乐队都无法再续THE LIBERTINES的辉煌。目前最红的还算BABYSHAMBLES,绯闻与音乐各半。

THE LIBERTINES在国内被翻译成“浪子”乐队。


1999年于London组成的The Libertines,是英国车库摇滚流派中的一支新星,以原始的punk曲风和积极活力引起广大回响,比起 Strokes、Hives、Vines、Doves等车库摇滚前辈,可说是毫不逊色。Suede成员Bernard Butler 制作的 《What a Waster》,2002年六月一推出,便攻上英国榜 Top 40,并荣膺NME 选出的年度最佳新团体,单曲 《I Get Along》更成为 BBC的每周单曲。

The Libertines 最夺目的在于双声道(俩个主唱),它的成员包括 Carl Barat (吉他兼主唱)、Pete Doherty (吉他兼主唱)、John Hassall (贝斯手)与 Gary Powell (鼓手);2003 年三月的这张新专辑《Up The Bracket》,一推出便在英国造成热潮,缔造出相当好的排行榜销售成绩。一举拿下NME2004最佳乐队(best band)。这张专辑,以充满活力的粗砺摇滚为基调,呈现出不逊於 The Clash的冲击力与直接批判观点;然而虽然车库叛客,整体音乐质感的架构却十分严谨完整,显出相当程度的成熟感。除了一般的快板歌曲外,如 《Radio America》这首歌,以略带嘲讽的口吻,缓缓唱著柔美的悲歌旋律,呈现出相当有趣的听觉效果,也展现出 The Libertines的音乐功力。《Tell the King》 与 《Begging》 的吉他部分也十分耐人寻味,《The Boy Looked at Johnny》的另类唱腔则直逼 The Jam与 Velvet Underground 的神髓。众多歌迷被《TIME FOR HEROES》所反映的内容和思想所折服,尤其第一句歌词“DID YOU SEE THE STYLISH KIDS IN THE RIOT"。

第一张专辑后乐队开始不和,PETE的毒瘾更是困扰,大打出手,无法录音的行为经常发生,第二张同名专辑《The Libertines》竟然变成收官之作,但优秀的音乐一跃成为最好听的100张专辑中的一位。虽然成绩不俗,但PETE一直拒绝他在专辑中的贡献,他说“在录音棚糟糕的关系,CARL已经不同我说话,我每天只是在那里睡觉”2005年PETE被开除乐队,虽然CARL也拥有才华,但少了这位英国牛津大学毕业的天才,The Libertines随之而来的只能是解散。


The Libertines 虽然年轻,却有著许多老将的气度与风采;很显然,能跨足主流乐界的下一个另类之星,非 The Libertines 莫属。

相信英国传媒都爱极了The Libertines。这不仅是因为他们获誉为当今英国最重要的吉他乐队、对新生代有着毋庸置疑的深远影响,同时也基于他们有源源不绝的舆论与新闻价值。只因在The Libertines里有一位麻烦多多的Pete Doherty。

毒瘾造成的失踪、盗窃、入狱、被拒归队,加上Pete跟情如手足的队友Carl Barat又爱又恨、悲欢离合的关系,虽然PETE戒毒无数次,但都未果。比当年Oasis的Gallagher兄弟闹不和事件更有舆论价值,不愁没有乐坛头条新闻。即使Liam 与Noel如何屡次闹不和,最终还要为着Oasis这个卖钱保证而再走在一起乖乖再录新作。

然而我们知道The Libertines的事态之严重,是因为Pete已沦为一名对毒品不能自拔的瘾君子。明知他只要戒掉毒品,Carl与乐队的经理人Alan McGee便允许他重投乐队、再续他与Carl的友谊,前途一片光明。但他却无法遵从指令,于是The Libertines这年夏天在T In The Park、Reading等大型音乐节的演出,他都不能出席。仿佛一下子被孤立起来。

但大家请不要忘记,The Libertines才不过是在2002前凭着几首单曲以及首张专辑《Up The Bracket》平地一声雷地堀起的新晋乐队;未被毒品侵蚀之前, Pete还是一名一脸孩子气的年轻有为乐手。在其“第二张——也可能是最后一张专辑”里,记载了是Pete与Carl的决裂真人秀。

事实上,Pete与Carl从一开始,就如一对绝代双骄,而他们那份手足情深的程度,绝对是山鸡与浩南的模样。他们一直浪漫化地将英国一个具有神话意义的古文字Albion挂在口边,并美化成一艘想像中的船,他们要乘坐Albion驶到代表终极理想的目的地Arcadia。那里,就是The Libertines的音乐终点,一个灿烂的地方。

2010年4月,乐队的4个成员重聚,包括在2010 Reading and Leeds 音乐节上的表演。

2014年4月乐队宣布将会在伦敦的Hyde Park表演。11月乐队与Virgin EMI Records唱片公司签约,并于2015年9月11日发行了第三张专辑《Anthems for Doomed Youth》。

乐队在2016年1月的Anthems For Doomed Youth英国巡演邀请到了乐队Blossoms, The View, Sleaford Mods, The Enemy, Reverend & The Makers, The Sherlocks 和 Jack Jones of Trampolene助阵。

The Libertines are an English rock band, formed in London in 1997 by frontmen Carl Barât (vocals/guitar) and Pete Doherty (vocals/guitar). The band, centred on the songwriting partnership of Barât and Doherty, has also included John Hassall (bass) and Gary Powell (drums) for most of its recording career. The band was part of the garage rock revival and spearheaded the movement in the UK.

The band gained some notoriety in the early 2000s. Although their mainstream success was initially limited, their profile soon grew, culminating in a No. 2 single and No. 1 album on the UK Charts. In December 2004, their self-titled second album was voted the second best album of the year by ‘NME’ magazine. The first two of their full-length LPs were produced by Mick Jones, of the British punk band The Clash.

In spite of their critical and commercial success, the band's music was often eclipsed by its internal conflicts, stemming from Doherty's addictions to crack cocaine and heroin, which eventually led to the breakup of the band. Doherty has since stated that the breakup of the band was due to relationship difficulties between Barât and himself that were not related to his drug addictions.The members of the Libertines went on to form new bands with varying degrees of success.

In August 2010, the four members of the Libertines reunited to play a series of shows, including slots at the 2010 Reading and Leeds Festivals. The reunion shows received a highly positive response from the press and fans.

In April 2014 the Libertines announced they would again reform for a show at London's Hyde Park. In November 2014 the band signed a record deal with Virgin EMI Records, and released their third album, ‘Anthems for Doomed Youth’ on 11 September 2015.

The Libertines' Anthems For Doomed Youth UK arena tour in January 2016 was supported by Blossoms, The View, Sleaford Mods, The Enemy, Reverend & The Makers, The Sherlocks and Jack Jones of Trampolene.

