


#重金属 #哥特金属



来自挪威的Tristania,可说是近期这股Gothic Death Metal浪潮中,表现相当亮眼的一支新兴乐团,挪威系的歌德金属乐团,在Gothic Doom Metal祖师乐团Theatre of Tragedy的带领之下,再加上挪威系黑死金属乐的影响,使得新进的歌德乐团都承袭了一贯阴冷闇黑、狂野与兼具优美感的优良血统,如今几个後起之秀如 Tristania、The Sins of Thy Beloved、Trail of Tears等,不但在国际上大放异彩,甚至有青出於蓝的表现!(特别是在Theatre of Tragedy转向电子歌德摇滚发展之後) Tristania最早约莫在1993年时就已开始活动,不过乐团的完整阵容则是到了96年底才完全确立。97年5月时,Tristania自行录制了一张4曲的demo,而这张demo也立即为他们嬴得Napalm Records的唱片合约,这张demo在稍後经过重新混音後以之名发行。98年Tristania发表了首张正式专辑,专辑发行之後,乐团的人气便快速窜升,不过Tristania真正受到全面性的肯定,则是在其99年的第二张专辑发表之後,新鲜丰富的音乐内容也让他们成为相当受到曙目的一颗新星。

Tristania的音乐风格展现出了多方的融合和积极创新之下的成果,除了基本的闇黑优美歌德元素外,编曲上大量地运用键盘合成器的各式音色,营造出壮阔优美的情境及气势,阴柔动人的曲调与狂暴的重节奏、黑死腔嘶吼交错而行,并有凄厉的小提琴演奏穿插,不过Tristania最重要的特色则是丰富多样的演唱与合唱编排,包括了死腔、黑腔、clean低吟男腔、声乐女腔以及男女唱诗班等,细致动人的钢琴弹奏、气氛音效,交叠著各式唱腔的壮阔合唱,使得 Tristania的作品带给人极强的新鲜感!乐团出色的音色的运用和处理,再加上绝佳的录音控制,使得音乐所呈现出的音场效果相当的美妙!

这里稍微来谈下Tristania的guest小提琴手Pete Johansen,这位小提琴手也正是其兄弟团The Sins of Thy Beloved中的灵魂乐手,在Gothic/Doom Metal乐团当中有小提琴编制的并不多,但都有很好的加分效果,然而其实大多数的小提琴演奏大都仅是拉简单的单音,而这位Pete兄则是个人所听过所有这些乐团小提琴手当中技巧性最高的一位!同时,他的个人风格也相当强烈,诡谲凄厉的琴音相信只要听过的乐迷印象都会非常深刻!


Regarded as one of the world's premiere goth metal bands, Norway's Tristania have earned their reputation through risk-taking creativity, unquestionable talent, and perhaps more than anything else, an impressive consistency from release to release. First coming together in 1996, Tristania took the uncommon step of showcasing three separate vocalists of wildly divergent styles to represent their lyrics, these being operatic soprano Vibeke Stene, clean-singing counter-tenor Østen Bergøy, and harsh, black metal-style shrieker Morten Veland. The last also played guitar and composed most of Tristania's lush, symphonically enhanced goth metal, but also counted on the help of lead guitarist Anders H. Hidle, keyboardist Einar Moen, bassist Rune Østerhus, and drummer Kenneth Olsson to make it all reality.

Tristania's eponymous EP was released in 1997, and further albums such as Widow's Weeds (1998) and Beyond the Veil (1999), as well as the Angina EP followed in quick succession, and always through Austria's Napalm label. All fared incredibly well across Europe, with Beyond the Veil in particular earning rave reviews, gaining them inroads into North and South America (where they have since toured extensively) and elevating Tristania to headliner status to boot. The band was dealt a potentially crippling blow, however, when Veland departed to form a new band called Sirenia. Yet, they surprised cynical observers by immediately hiring new vocalist Kjetil Ingebrigtsen and rebounding in style via 2001's World of Glass. A longer hiatus followed but, after indulging in numerous side projects, Tristania reconvened in 2004 to record a new album called simply Ashes, then released it through new label Steamhammer/SPV in January of the following year.

