


#放克电子 #黑暗氛围 #暗潮 #工业音乐 #冷潮
France 法国


如果你是哥特迷或是工业迷,那么一定不要错过Die Form。

身处工业社会,我们只有两种选择:融入或反抗。而工业音乐正是对工业社会无情的嘲讽,Nine Inch Nails想必大家都已很熟悉了,他的音乐将人们在工业社会中的自暴自弃与绝望推向了极点,而Die Form则用工业音乐和诡秘人声调制出令人神志痴迷的种种咒语,而它所要唤起的就是爱神Eros赐予人类最重要的需求:性。让我们忘记基督、忘记信仰一起走进Die Form的黑暗欲望国度。

Die Form的最初要追溯到1977年,1977年到1979年间有古怪意念的法国男子Philippe Fichot以Die Form的名义出版了近20套自己录制的卡带,82年的第一张正式专辑《DiePuppe(The Puppet)》在德国厂牌Normal下推出,直到1989年Die Form共发行了3张专辑,其风格基本上都是噪音与流行节奏的具有浓厚实验性的融合。1989年对于Die Form具有特殊的意义,该年发行了专辑《Programme》,风格仍然是我们熟知的Die Form:电子化、念物癖、噪音、舞曲节奏,但Elaine P(女声)这个陌生的名字第一次出现在专辑中。1991年专辑《Corpus Delicit》的推出确立了Die Form的音乐取向:在高压电子的蹂躏下,被奴役压迫的男女发出绝望的呐喊;重重的工业节奏烙在这受虐的意识之上,无情地刺激受缚者与燃烧的欲念进行歇斯底里的挣扎,后工业时代所提倡的自由性爱反而带给人性需求上的无比压抑与病态扭曲中。1992年Elaine P正式成为Die Form的一员,专辑《Confessions》是这对搭档的第二次合作,该专辑充分表现了Elaine P在高贵冷傲的面具下的因受虐而激起的兴奋与狂喜,同时Filchot则沉浸于宗教的狂躁、受缚的饥渴和痛苦之中。1993年,Die Form加入德国著名DarkWave厂牌Hyperium。同年在该厂牌下发行了两张专辑:《Tears of Eros》、《Ad Infinitum》,《Tears of Fears》明显是献给爱神Eros的颂歌,在这张专辑中Die Form极力颂扬诱惑、性爱、淫乱和狂欢。1994年开始Die Form开始进行对Eros名为“The Trilogy of Passion”的神圣祭祀,不过这次祭祀的主角是Elaine P,此次祭祀Die Form共推出三张专辑,前两张由Hyperium发行:《Suspiria de Profunds》、《L’ame Electrique》,第三张《Vicious Circle》由美国厂牌Cleopatra发行,期间Die Form在1996年离开Huperium厂牌。1997年,新作《Duality》在德国厂牌Trinity Records(另一暗黑重镇Apocalyptic Vision的子公司),这张专辑是Die Form的第一张欧美同步发行的唱片,在此专辑中出了Elaine P 一往的声音外,Fichot与日本噪音狂人Mutsumi Oku共同营造了独特的哥特氛围。从这张专辑开始,Die Form开始逐渐引入New-Classic元素。1999年,Die Form推出了双CD精选辑《Histories》,这也是我听到的专辑,在这张专辑中你可以充分领略到Die Form是如何通过包括工业在内的众多音乐元素将性爱、淫乱和S/M这些阴暗美学糅合在一起:色情与死亡、狂喜与悲痛、美丽与腐朽、恐怖与诗意、优雅与残暴这些相对的极端完美和谐地熔炼为一体。

Die Form is the primary project of the French electronic musician and multimedia artist Phillipe Fichot. He began by recording a number of experimental cassette releases in the late 1970s, with the first Die Form album proper ('Die Puppe') appearing in 1982. Whilst the project was still in its infancy, the underlying concepts were still evident - a combination of esoteric electronic experiments with an underlying theme of erotism, death and other 'taboo' subjects, apparent in both the music and the album artwork, which Phillpe also produces.

'Some Experience With Shock' followed in 1984, with the project taking a direction towards a more commercial sound on 1987's 'Poupée Mécanique'. The project then consolidated it's experimental and melodic sides on 'Photogrammes', before introducing vocalist (and cover model) Elaine P. on the 1991 album 'Corpus Delicti', who remains with the project to this day. The next release, 1992's 'Confessions' saw a club hit in 'Silent Order', with sister album 'Ad Infinitum' (which originated from the same recording sessions) released a year later.

The next 'Die Form' releases saw the poetic, emotional side of their sound richen via 'The Trilogy of Passions', starting with 'Suspiria De Profundis' in 1994, followed by 'L'âme électrique' the following year. 1997's 'Duality' does not complete the trilogy, Phillipe Fichot choosing to leave the project open-ended. The 'Histories' compilation discs appeared in 1998, with the next album 'Extremum/XX' appearing in 2000. Then followed the 'diptych' of 'InHuman' (2004) and 'ExHuman' (2006), continuing their release of interrelated concept albums.

&The Bach project& was released in January 2008, an album obviously devoted to Bach. Die Form first presented this work live during the annual Bach Days in the German city of Leipzig, where they got invited. Die Form has created a new show for this project.

