


Canada 加拿大



中 文 名 Stars乐队

外 文 名 Stars

主    唱 Torquil Campbel

键 盘 手 Chris Seligman

吉 他 手 Amy Millan

贝 斯 手 Ecan Cranley

鼓    手 Pat McGee

小提琴手 Genevieve Walker

吉 他 手 Genevieve Walker

成立地点 多伦多

主要作品 《Set Yourself on Fire》


Stars,是一支来自加拿大的独立乐团。最初乐团由主唱Torquil Campbell,键盘手Chris Seligman成立于多伦多。后来乐团迁往纽约,随后又迁往蒙特利尔。Stars也是系统名,即社会-技术分析研究系统。另外也是生化危机游戏中一支特警队队名。

如果你在搜索引擎上搜索Torquil Campbell,得到结果有两个:演员,歌手。同时,他也在加拿大另外一支独立乐队Broken Social Scene打搽边球,更重要是,他自己也拥有两支风格截然不同的乐队,一支就是这次要说的Indie pop/rock乐队Stars,另一支是名叫Memphis的Lo-Fi乐队,分别在04、06年发行过《I Dreamed We Fell Apart》和《A Little Place In The Wilderness》两张专辑。Stars由Torquil Campbell和吉他手Amy Millan(06年曾以人名义发表了个人solo专辑《Honey From the Tombs》)担当主唱,其他成员还包括键盘手Chris Seligman、贝斯手Ecan Cranley、鼓手Pat McGee、吉他、小提琴手(?)Genevieve Walker。

关于独立音乐界的男女双主唱,似乎是种潮流模式,比如那支颇有名气的瑞典独立乐队The Charade,新近在Sub Pop发片的新西兰著名独立乐队The Brunettes等等,这样的组合结构,既照顾了男女听众的情绪,又具备了人声上的多变性。而在听这些乐队的音乐的时候,尤为觉得听女声更过瘾,更舒服些。Stars依然的如此,Amy Millan的人声干净、轻柔,慵懒中带着女性的温柔,有着让人觉得神魂颠倒的特质。而Torquil Campbell的男声则更具多变性,如果说Amy Millan的人声是过于一根筋,那么Torquil Campbell多变的声线则做了灵活的补充。

追溯到最初,成立于加拿大多伦多的Stars成员只有两位,那就是Torquil Campbell和Chris Seligman,随后在美国发行了专辑《Night Songs》,但反响并不强烈,后来重新回到加拿大到了冰天雪地的蒙特利尔,他们拉来了好友Amy Millan和Evan Cranley助阵,当他们的后台从美国的小厂牌Le Grand Magistery变成加拿大的著名独立大厂牌Arts & Crafts,鸟枪换成了土炮,燃烧自己的时候到了。

经过02年的《Heart》的阶段性胜利,04年,Torquil Campbell 用了这样一句话“当没有东西可以燃烧,那么就燃烧你自己”(When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire)表达了他们不甘平庸的决心,这也是另他们名声大噪的04年专辑《Set Yourself OnFire》的宣传语。而今经过三年的沉淀,Stars发表了他们的第4张专辑《In Our Bedroom After the War》。这张专辑由著名制作人Joe Chiccarelli担纲制作,Joe Chiccarelli是谁?是曾给Tori Amos、Beck、Steve Vai、U2、Elton John等巨星制作过专辑的超级制作人,并且这次的制作团队还有,美国Indie Rock大牌The Shins,还有哪位The Smiths的主脑Morrissey,鼎鼎大名的美国迷幻复古乐队The White Stripes,可谓猛将如云,而这张专辑讨巧的Indie Pop/Rock曲风,时髦的男女双主唱,犹如迷幻剂一般的遍曲和人声,简短整齐的歌词,爽劲的节奏,巧妙的起承转合,些许的复古色彩,具备及强的可听性。

专辑的标题曲目也是结束曲的《In our bedroom after the war》,这首由Torquil Campbell演唱的歌曲给我们展现了一副宽阔的音乐背景,从单一的键琴到多种乐器的加入,愈加丰满,愈加大气。开场的《The beginning after the end》可算的上Newage的纯音乐,浩淼宽广,宁静安逸。《The night starts here》则靠人声取胜了,Amy Millan的人声犹如自言自语的迷幻剂,而Torquil Campbell有点Dream Pop式的人声则遥相呼应。琐碎的键琴音色和老成持重的硬摇滚鼓点充满力量且有空灵凌乱之美。《Take me to the riot》的旋律则显的很突兀,主歌部分男女声交织的标准Indie唱腔紧凑交织,而副歌的旋律和节奏则有些复古的味道。《My Favourite Book》除了舒服和平静,小提琴音色的加入更增加了几分轻松活泼。《Midnight Coward》一直在铿锵的鼓点下盘旋,由零碎膨胀的鼓点巧妙的过渡到Torquil Campbell的人声,这种好玩有趣的变化,最后归依于钢琴的浩淼宁静,两人的人声交替犹如情人对话的呢喃。《The ghost of genova heights》延续了《Midnight Coward》鼓节奏,鼓点更硬,更清脆些,这样的节奏会让你禁不主晃下身体,点下头,而Torquil Campbell的假声则真有点ghost了。《Personal》的人声犹如一男一女的深情对白,很有些Bossanova范儿,接着的完全由键琴伴奏的《Barricade》,给人的感觉很现场。《Window Bird》则体现了巧妙的起承转合上。《Bitches in Tokyo》则很情绪化和具备煽动性,嘈杂凌乱的鼓点和少见的Riff。《Life 2:the unhappy ending》则很象首中国化的粤语歌。《Today will be better, I swear!》则有种顿然醒悟的或然开朗。

这张原定于07年9月25日发行的Stars唱片,在7月10日便到了唱片店的货架上,目的不言而喻就是为了打击盗版,专辑的名字没有上张的《Set yourself on fire》那么的直白和带有自毁的煽动性,根据官方的解释,标题“in our bedroom after the war”主要强调的是in our bedroom,在这个房子里你可以避开更多的“战争”子弹,使煎熬和疼痛好转。而所谓的战争,则是“Love is war”中的“Love”。

Millan和Cranley也是独立乐队Broken Social Scene的队员。Millan在07年以个人身份发行了名为《Honey From the Tombs》的专辑。


2010发行第三章专辑《The Five Ghosts》。

2014年10月14日,发行第四张专辑《No One Is Lost》。

Stars is a Canadian indie pop band formed in 2000.

All members of Stars grew up in Toronto. Torquil Campbell and Christopher Seligman started the first record Nightsongs in New York in 1999. When starting to play live shows they called in Evan Cranley, a childhood friend, to play bass. Cranley then recruited Amy Millan. The four of them then all moved to Montreal and began to work on the second full-length album Heart. In Montreal they met Patrick Mcgee, who became their drummer. Heart was released on the new label Arts&Crafts along with their friends Broken Social Scene. While on their first North American tour together, Stars and Broken Social Scene shared and swapped members on a nightly basis. The band formed in the same New York apartment with Metric.

After critical acclaim for Heart, Stars rented a house in the Eastern Townships in the middle of winter. For a month and a half the five of them lived together and wrote Set Yourself on Fire. It was recorded at Studio Plateau in Montréal and was produced by the band and Tom McFall. The record received good reviews. Set Yourself on Fire and their highly acclaimed live performances established them as one of the most successful bands in Canada.

Campbell is currently an active member of Memphis.Millan has released two solo albums, Honey from the Tombs in 2006 and Masters of the Burial in 2009.

They have cited a wide variety of musical likes and influences ranging from Berlioz to Outkast, citing among others Barrett, Paddy McAloon, New Order, The Smiths, Brian Wilson, Momus. They covered The Smiths' "This Charming Man" on 2001's Nightsongs and The Pogues' "Fairytale of New York" in 2005. Other indie artists have been guest collaborators on many of their tracks, especially for an early period including the release of their first LP.

Anticipating that their album In Our Bedroom After the War would leak at some point between the final mixing and the official release, Stars was one of the first bands to make their album available in digital form the day after it was completed on July 10, 2007. The CD release included a bonus DVD, a film called "Are we here now". It is a collection of interviews with the band and the band's close allies as well as live performances around the globe, it was directed by Anthony Seck.

On September 1, 2008, the band released the EP Sad Robots exclusively through their online store and on tour. The EP is available as a physical release or an online download.

Their single "Celebration Guns" is the title song for the television series ZOS: Zone of Separation and was provided for free as part of a collaboration with Moms Against Climate Change.

Stars have covered The Smiths' "Asleep" for American Laundromat Records' charity CD "Sing Me To Sleep - Indie Lullabies". The CD was released worldwide on May 18, 2010.

On March 9, 2010, the band announced they would be releasing their fifth studio album, The Five Ghosts, on June 22, 2010. In Canada, the album was released via Soft Revolution, the band's own new label. It has been distributed worldwide via Vagrant Records.

On June 21, 2012, the band announced the upcoming release of their sixth studio album on their website, The North, which was released on September 4, 2012 via ATO Records. With the announcement, the band also offered a free download of the first single "The Theory of Relativity" in exchange for signing up for the band's official e-mail list.

Stars performed at the 2013 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival along with the Field Trip Arts & Crafts Music Festival, celebrating the tenth anniversary of their label Arts & Crafts Productions.

Stars released their seventh album, No One Is Lost, on October 14, 2014.

Stars are on the line-up for WAYHOME festival summer 2016 north of Toronto.

