


#世界节拍 #西班牙 | 弗拉门戈
United States of America 美国


Lawson Rollins 劳森·罗林斯 ,来自美国的弗拉明戈吉他演奏家、作曲家,以快如闪电的指弹吉他闻名于世。1970年出生于美国北卡罗来纳州,8岁开始习鼓,十几岁时听了西班牙古典吉他大师、著名吉他演奏家 Andres Segovia 安德列斯·塞戈维亚的演奏深受启发,开始学习古典吉他,20岁后音乐的方向趋向于拉丁爵士和南美音乐。在完成欧洲的学业后,移居美国华盛顿州,1998与美国著名吉他手 Daniel Young 丹尼尔·扬 组成拉美吉他组合 Young & Rollins,2007年移居美国旧金山,以个人名义推出自己的作品至今。

其吉他音乐非常注重原创性与实验性,将萨尔萨,拉丁爵士,蓝调,桑巴,中东音乐,波萨诺瓦,弗拉明戈舞,古典风格不拘一格地混合在一起,洋溢着即兴的风格和快速的指弹节奏。至于其作曲技巧和深情的精湛技艺,“吉他手”杂志这样赞美道:Lawson Rollins 的诱惑几乎无处不在,他的古典音调非常华丽,他的技术是无可挑剔的,他微妙的流派混合是令人信服的。其洋溢着巴西风味的《Cafe Jobim》、《In Motion》以及专辑主打《Infinita》更成为爵士音乐电台的播放保留曲目。

2008年5月20日,Lawson Rollins 劳森·罗林斯 的首张个人专辑《Infinita 无限》正如专辑的名称一样,成为了一张影响深远的突破性专辑,几乎所有的爵士音乐杂志都评价其为“一颗极有价值的宝石......年度的最佳爵士专辑”。

Lawson Rollins is an American guitarist and composer from North Carolina noted for his virtuoso fingerstyle technique and melodic compositional skills featured in his recordings. His music spans a wide range of genres but is generally classed as Latin Jazz and World Music, with elements of Samba, Bossanova, Middle Eastern music, Classical guitar, Flamenco and Shred guitar added to the mix. He often employs extremely fast minor scales and diminished scale solo runs to his compositions which are diligently executed in the flamenco picado style, often blazing arpeggios across the fretboard using his fingers, a technically highly difficult feat for most guitarists.

He is best known for his compositions The Fire Cadenza, Santa Ana Wind, Flight, Daybreak, Infinita, and Moonlight Samba and his albums Infinita, Espirito, Elevation and Full Circle which were all critically acclaimed by the jazz and guitar communities. He has reached a wide audience on both radio and the internet. Video performances of Locomotion, The Fire Cadenza and Santa Ana Wind have been viewed millions of times on Youtube. His songs Flight, Daybreak, Moonlight Samba, and Infinita have proven popular on jazz radio stations and landed on the Billboard Top 30 contemporary jazz radio chart. His album Full Circle landed on the Billboard Top 10 World Music album sales chart and he was a Top 100 Artist of the Year on radio as ranked by RadioWave.

Influenced by Andrés Segovia from his mid-teens, he developed an interest in Jazz, Flamenco, and improvisational Latin and Brazilian guitar styles in his early twenties. After graduating from Duke University he earned a graduate degree from the London School of Economics, then moved to Washington, D.C. in 1998 where he met guitarist Daniel Young (Dan Young) at a local flamenco shop and formed the Latin guitar fusion group Young & Rollins. They released several albums together, including Salsa Flamenca, which landed on the Billboard Chart in 2000, Sevilla (2001), Esperanza (2005) and Mosaic (2006) and played at many major venues such as the Kennedy Center and Sydney Opera House. Rollins was based in Washington until 2007 when he moved to San Francisco.

His four solo albums Infinita, Espirito, Elevation, and Full Circle are characterized by an eclectic mix of Middle Eastern, Brazilian, and Arabic music fused with Spanish guitar and backed by an all-star cast of musicians from around the world including Brazilian singer Flora Purim, percussionist Airto Moreira, Cuban drummer Horacio Hernandez, Shahin Shahida of Shahin and Sepehr, Iranian kamancheh player Kayhan Kalhor, Grammy-winning violinist Charlie Bisharat, and electric guitarist Buckethead, among others.

Lawson is a voting member of NARAS and owner of the independent world music record label Infinita Records.
