





Kimya Dawson的音乐跳跃得就像夏日清晨的阳光,顽皮而毫不炽烈。她的音乐风格属于Anti-folk,Indie-rock,Lo-fi。首先来说说这Anti-folk到底是个什么概念。从字面意思看,它是一种站在那简约质朴暖人心腹的传统民谣对立面上的音乐风格——至少是站在五50、60年代民谣的对面,因为现在民谣发展的已然有些面目全非了。Anti-folk的创作者和表演者往往受到像Punk那样直接有力、虽然总有些小抱怨但总体来说还算积极向上的风格启发与鼓舞,所表达的都是一些比较抽筋、反抗但本质不坏的小情绪。比如说在传统民谣里你绝对不会听到“fuck”这种词字眼,而在Anti-folk里就会时不时跳出来。而Anti-folk和Punk最大的区别就在器乐方面:Anti-folk是用原声吉他演绎的,时不时穿插弦乐和一些传统民谣中经常出现的配器。这可能是唯一和年民谣沾边的地方。所以你可以把Anti-folk想成是“民谣化的朋克”,它带点乡土气息但决不是土得掉渣儿那种,唱着唱着就让你想看破红尘或者寻思着归隐田园了。Anti-folk经常和Lo-fi成双入对的出现。

回到Kimya Dawson。唱作人Kimya Dawson是个已经30岁的纽约女人——你从她的声音里是绝对听不出来她的年龄的!2002年发行首张个人专辑I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean,在此之前参加过一个叫the Moldy Peaches的Anti-folk团。1995年Dawson和Adam Green相遇于她工作的一家唱片店。故事总是这样开始并进行。他们由于在音乐方面有着共同的兴趣便成为了好朋友并开始在一起搞点小创作。1999年Kimya Dawson,Adam Green以及另外几个朋友就一起组成了the Moldy Peaches。2002年,Dawson和Green都先后推出了各自的solo debut。 I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean为Kimya Dawson赢得了很好的口碑,之后她在欧洲、美国展开了一系列的巡演。2004年,Kimya Dawson发行了两张专辑:Knock-Knock Who?和My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess。一年后,专辑Hidden Vagenda由厂牌K Records推出。接下来就是本月才发的全新专辑Remember That I Love You。

听Kimya Dawson唱歌,我经常担心她的舌头会不会因为倒腾的太快而突然抽筋。这不是玩笑话。一个三十出头的女人还能像个神经质的二十岁小姑娘一样,唱歌像说话一样随性。我听过不少女人女孩的声音,Kimya Dawson绝对不算抢耳的。但我越来越发现有意思的声音总是特不容易给人真诚的感动。而Dawson就好象是坐在你对面唱歌,口腔、嗓音的每个细小变化她都不加修饰的让你察觉。你能清晰的感到她的自信,这不是说Remember That I Love You是一张自大的专辑,也不是出于她发了5张专辑老道的自居,而是一种无论何时你都能感到她都能笑呵呵的面对生活中的一切始终保持简单快乐信条的生活态度。她是个很容易使听她音乐的人们觉得窝心的人,没有什么凝重的施加,只是传达简单的快乐。这对每天耳朵接受不同程度扭曲摧残的人们来说,无疑会像看到夏天夜空中的星星一样闪亮而可爱。Kimya Dawson的歌词写的很自我,特别生活化,有时很朋克,“and I’ll say fuck Bush and fuck this war”,有时又事无巨细的。这就是她,和她的生活,真诚正是源自于此。

Singer/songwriter Kimya Dawson is best known as part of the New York City anti-folk outfit the Moldy Peaches. In 2002, Dawson released her debut solo album, I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean, a collection of spare tunes sung to an acoustic guitar and Dawson's voice, which breaks with hurt over tales of abuse and longing.

The 30-year-old songwriter was born and raised in Bedford Hills, NY, where her parents run a day-care center from their home. Dawson and fellow Moldy Peach Adam Green met in 1995 at a record store in Mt. Kisco, NY, where she worked. For the next four years, Dawson moved back and forth between New York and Washington, but she and Green had become friends and began writing songs together. In 1999, Green followed Dawson to Washington, where they formed the Moldy Peaches. After a year, Green returned to New York, with Dawson following later. Eventually, the Moldy Peaches — Dawson, Green, drummer Strictly Beats, bassist Steve Mertens, and guitarists Jack Dishel and Toby Goodshank — began playing the anti-folk circuit.

In 2001, they released their self-titled debut to critical acclaim. All the songs were co-written and sung by Dawson and Green. The band toured in the States as well as Europe. Dawson contributed backing vocals to Ben Kweller's 2002 debut solo album, Sha, Sha. Later that same year, the Moldy Peaches began a hiatus of indefinite length when both Dawson and Green's (Garfield) solo albums were released. I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean was well received by critics and Dawson embarked on a tour of Europe and the United States. In 2004, Dawson released two more albums of material culled from her bedroom sessions: Knock-Knock Who? and My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess. Later that year, Hidden Vagenda arrived on K Records. Dawson resurfaced in 2006 with the Kimya Dawson/Matty Pop Chart EP and Remember That I Love You full-length.
