


#独立摇滚 #梦幻流行 #仙音
United Kingdom 英国


尽管乐队成员都是典型的英国人,但这支来自南安普敦的Delays却不是一支典型的Brit-pop乐队,在Greg Gilbert(主音/吉他手)和Aaron Gilbert(键盘手)以及Colin Fox(贝司手)和Rowley Fox(鼓手)两对兄弟的打理下,Delays慢慢形成了自己“阳光浸润下的60年代简朴摇滚乐旋律”的独特风格,为如今的Brip-pop乐界注入了一股清泉。2003年,在一次Delays的私人表演中,乐队引起了Rough Trade的Geoff Travis的注意,随后,乐队便获得了一份和约。在成功推出三张打榜单曲’Hey Girl’,  ‘Long Time Coming’和’Nearer Than Heaven’后,乐队于2004年5月发行了处女大碟 [Faded Seaside Glamour]。

Delays的最大特色在于主唱Greg男女莫辨的奇妙假声。行云流水般的假声转换令人称奇,婉转动听的清爽旋律如清风般飘荡在空气中。专辑的开首曲’Wanderlust’就可以充分让你领略主唱真作假时假亦真的演唱技巧,尤其是当真音区的干涩和假声区的空灵以几乎没有缝隙的转换来到你的耳边时,你一定会觉得非常舒服。’Nearer Than Heaven’同样可以让你误以为是一首男女声的合唱歌曲,那飘幻的“女”声竟有种 Cocteau Twins式的魔力。’No Ending’舒缓而凄美。’Stay Where You Are’的吉它前奏做得尤如是摩托车引擎在“温柔”地一次又一次地发动着,却总也点不了火,在这个吉它音色的选择上,吉它手可以说是煞费苦心。’On’算是专辑里最不英伦的一首歌,沉重的电子节拍加上如同Gospel合唱的声音粘贴给人一种歌特的感觉,如同在荒凉里点一支烛火潜夜而行。

Greg毫不讳言自己受到了Cocteau Twins主音Elizabeth Fraser的深远影响,正是这种梦幻般飘忽的天使声线让Delays在Indie Rock大军中脱颖而出。尽管Delays的音乐还停留在传统的英伦套路上,但凭借着这把曼妙的好嗓音,加上不断成熟的音乐创作,Delays的前景十分乐观。

Although they're quintessentially English, Southampton's Delays aren't your quintessential Brit-pop band. The darling foursome can avoid being hailed as saviors of pop music by NME simply because they lack swagger. But before the dual pair of brothers — Greg (vocals/guitar) and Aaron Gilbert (keyboards), and Rowley (drums) and Colin Fox (bass) — kicked against the decadent scene that ranked Oasis and Blur as supreme during the 1990s, they too were sucked in. They formed Corky and the band's acoustic pop was briefly popular in and around their local Southampton neighborhoods. By 2001, Corky had gone by the wayside and the brotherly bunch formed the Delays. Sun-soaked, '60s-tailored rock melodies developed over a few years' time. Rough Trade's Geoff Travis caught on to this while catching one of the band's private shows in 2003 and offered the band a deal. In July, the Delays' saccharine rock edge of &Hey Girl& went Top 40 in the U.K. Shows with the Thrills, Tim Burgess, and the Sleepy Jackson followed shortly thereafter, giving the Delays a sweet spot among the indie press. &Long Time Coming,& the band's second single, charged the Top 20 with a number 16 chart debut in January 2004. As the band hit radio, they also readied for the release of their studio full-length debut. In spring 2004 came the release of Faded Seaside Glamour, which sounded rather like the Hollies meeting the La's for a rainy Sunday drive while picking up the Cocteau Twins' Elizabeth Fraser for tea.

